Antisocial Behavior of Students of Professional Educational Institutions as a Psychological and Pedagogical Problem: from personal experience

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 Bochantseva Lyudmila Ivanovna

Candidate of Sciences (Psychology),

Senior Lecture at the Pedagogics and Psychology Department

Ishim Pedagogical Institute named after P. P.  Ershov the branch of Tyumen State University

1 Lenin St.,  Ishim, Russia, 627750

tel.: +7(34551)51370

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Abstract. Antisocial behaviour of students is one of the topical psychological and pedagogical problems of education. The article analyzes the concept of antisocial behaviour, presents a description of the personality, characterized with such behavior, and describes the stages of antisocial behaviour formation. The paper identifies the students’ psychological and pedagogical problems that arise while learning. The students’ antisocial behaviour is considered in the context of a complex psychological and pedagogical problem, which needs to be solved by carrying out the preventive actions in the professional educational institution.  The results which were obtained after a number of individual consultations and group socio-psychological trainings aimed at correcting of the students’ antisocial behaviour proved the effectiveness of those actions. The author describes the results of his work as an educational psychologist accompanying the “risk group” students having the signs of antisocial behavior.


Keywords: antisocial behaviour, focus area of psychological and pedagogical work with the “risk group” students, prevention, correction, teenagers, young people.


For citation:  Bochantseva L. I. Antisocial Behavior of Students of Professional Educational Institutions as a Psychological and Pedagogical Problem: from personal experience. Pedagogical IMAGE, 2018, no 2 (39), рр. 177–188.

UDС: 373.84





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