Conditions for Preparing Students of a Pedagogical University for Implementing the Project Technology (N. P. Rusinova)

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Nadezhda Petrovna

Postgraduate of the Department of Pedagogy

Pedagogical Institute, Irkutsk State University

6 Nizhnyaya Naberezhnaya St., Irkutsk, 6664011

tel.: 8(3952)200739

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Abstract. The article is devoted to teaching students how to use project method (the case of organization project-based learning at pedagogical university). The problem was studied from the point of view the Federal State Educational Standard requirements to future teachers training. In the professional competence of the teacher, the emphasis is on the relevance of the design skills of the students.

The paper considers the experience of project-based learning while teaching students "Basis of Applied and Decorative Arts" under the supervision of the lecturers of the Art and Methods Department, Irkutsk State University.

The implementation of project-based learning in higher education aimed at providing the training of specialists with the high levels of academic creativity and self-education, professional and social mobility.

Keywords: competence; project-based learning; research work; project; project activities.

For citation: Rusinova N. P. Conditions for Preparing Students of a Pedagogical University for Implementing the Project Technology. Pedagogical IMAGE, 2018, no 1 (38), рр. 173–182.

UDС: 378.147



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