Assessment of Psychological Competence of the Head With the Help of Modular Training

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Tatiana Aleksandrovna

Doctor of Sciences (Psychology), Professor, Department of General Psychology

Irkutsk State University

1, K. Marx St, Irkutsk, 664003

tel.: 8(3952)426417

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The article presents the practical aspect of the formation of psychological competence of the head with the help of modular training. The training program within the modular competence approach is constructed, the key feature of which are the problems and tasks from the real production and management activities of the Manager.

Keywords: psychological competence of the head, competence-based, modular training, formative experiment.

For citation: Terekhova T. A. Assessment of Psychological Competence of the Head With the Help of Modular Training Pedagogical IMAGE, 2018, no 1 (38), рр. 183–193.

UDС: 378.147



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