Specific Features of Intellectual and Cognitive Processes in Hearing Impaired Students of Technical University

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Ponomarenko Ekaterina Petrovna, Senior Lecturer the Department of English language, ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8764-8998, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University

7 Studencheskaya St, Izhevsk, Russia, 426069, tel.: +7(3412)776055, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Krasavina Yuliya Vitalevna, Candidate of Sciences (Pedagogy), Associate Professor at the

Department of Vocational Pedagogy, ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9250-7631, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University

7 Studencheskaya St, Izhevsk Russia, 426069, tel.: +7(3412)776055, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Serebryakova Yuliya Vadimovna, Candidate of Sciences (Culturology), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Humanities, Socio-Economic and Natural Sciences, ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2229-8963, Izhevsk Law Institute – the branch of The All Russian State University of Justice (RLA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia

23 Zarechnoe shosse St, Izhevsk, Russia, 426052, tel.: +7(3412)940300, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Zhuykova Olga Victorovna, Candidate of Sciences (Pedagogy), Associate Professor at the Department of Engineering Graphics and Advertising Technology, ORCID https://orcid.org/

0000-0002-0609-0217, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University

7 Studencheskaya St, Izhevsk, Russia, 426069, tel.: +7(3412)776055, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Abstract. Introduction. Creation of an effective educational process for hearing impaired students at a technical university requires taking into account their possible learning difficulties due to the specific features of the development of their cognitive sphere and structure of mental activity.

Materials and Methods. The paper presents the results of the study aimed at identifying the intellectual and cognitive abilities of hearing impaired students of a technical university. The study involves a short tentative test to determine an integral indicator of the general level of intellectual development and ability to learn (V. N. Buzina), which diagnoses several aspects of intelligence.

Results. The main result of the study is the confirmation of the fact that hearing impaired students have low integral indicators of general abilities. An analysis of the test results also shows that respondents have the inertia of thinking and lack of intellectual mobility. The indicators of hearing impaired students are however better than those of deaf ones in some aspects including spatial ability, concentration and allocation of attention.

Conclusion. The results of the study will be taken into consideration in the methodology for the development of different types of thinking of hearing impaired students as part of inclusive bachelor’s degree programs at a technical university. The features of intellectual and cognitive processes of the students will be considered when determining the more appropriate presentation of educational information (digital or paper format) from the standpoint of its perception and processing.

Keywords: inclusive education, hearing impaired students, intellectual development, cognitive abilities, technical university, information perception.

For citation: Ponomarenko E. P., Krasavina Yu. V., Serebryakova Yu. V., Zhuykova O. V. Specific Features of Intellectual and Cognitive Processes in Hearing Impaired Students of Technical University. Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2019; 13(4): 664-675. DOI: 10.32343/2409-5052-2019-13-4-664-675

UDС: 378.172

DOI: 10.32343/2409-5052-2019-13-4-664-675


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