Possibilities of the Computer Algebra System Maple for Solving Set Theory Problems

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Ksenia A. Kirichek, Candidate of Sciences (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematics, Computer Science and Digital Educational Technologies, ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9571-8688, Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute

417A Lenin St, Stavropol, Russia, 355029, tel.: +7 (8652) 560821, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Alexander A. Olenev Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematics, Computer Science and Digital Educational Technologies, ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2719-6624, Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute

417A Lenin St, Stavropol, Russia, 355029, tel.: +7 (8652) 560821, e-mail: olenevalexandr@gmail

Abstract. Introduction. The paper substantiates the relevance of studying set theory in mathematics and computer science lessons using modern technologies. The research aims to shed light on the capabilities of the computer algebra system Maple for specifying sets in various ways, demonstrating the validity of the laws (properties) of sets, and solving set theory word problems.

Materials and methods. The methods applied in the research include analysis of school educational literature with a focus on identifying the types of tasks on set theory, analysis of methodological literature and the experience of teachers in teaching set theory, analysis of the functional and software capabilities of Maple, and synthesis of Maple capabilities to perform set theory assignments.

Results. The paper has described possible directions of Maple application in teaching set theory. The examples of using the computer algebra system to specify sets, and demonstrate the validity of their laws (properties) are presented. The possibilities of visualizing educational material in Maple are illustrated by the example of solving set theory word problems of various degrees of complexity.

Conclusion. The results of the study on the use of Maple in teaching set-theoretic transformations give an idea of ways to improve the learning process by visualizing educational material, getting time free from routine calculations, and imparting the study a research character.

Keywords: computer algebra systems, Maple, set theory, membership tables.

For citation: Kirichek K. A., Olenev A. A. Possibilities of the Computer Algebra System Maple for Solving Set Theory Problems. Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2020; 14(4): 568–584. DOI: 10.32343/2409-5052-2020-14-4-568-584

UDС: 372.8

DOI: 10.32343/2409-5052-2020-14-4-568-584

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