Formation of an Institute of Professional Associations of Pre-School Specialists in the Process of Transformation of Teacher Training Models

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Natalya Yu. Maidankina, Candidate of Sciences (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Pedagogical Technologies of Preschool and Primary Education,, Ilya Ulyanov Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University

4 Square of the 100th anniversary of V. I. Lenin, Ulyanovsk, Russia, 432700, tel.: +7 (8442) 323989, maidankina @

Abstract. The paper reveals the features of the teacher training model in the context of the transformation of the professional development system based on the legal framework and educational environment of the region. Consideration is given to an approach to constructing a multilevel educational environment based on the establishment and development of the institute of professional associations and the “best to peer” mechanism of the model of pre-school education of specialists in the professional development system to enhance the methodological aid and support of the professional activity.

Materials and methods. Based on the comparative approach, the characteristics of the teach- er training models in the professional development system are briefly presented, and social and demographical profiles of pre-school specialists in the region are specified. The study addresses the approach to establishing and developing the institute of professional associations of pre-school specialists in the framework of the law “About the status of pedagogical specialists engaged in the pedagogical activity in the Ulyanovsk region,” considering the region-specific features.

Results of the research. The transformation of teacher training models in the professional development system involved the development of an approach, which entails the construction of the multilevel educational environment based on the establishment and development of the institute of the professional association of the pre-school specialists based on the legislative framework and regional specifics. It is also necessary to mention the “best-to-peer” mechanism characterized by variability and flexibility of the content, forms and methods of learning, and interaction of teachers at the professional development courses and within the methodological activity based on various digital platforms with no formal learning deadlines.

Conclusion. The paper has proposed the approach and “best to peer” mechanism based on the establishment and development of the institute of professional associations of pre-school specialists, which factors in the legislative framework and region-specific educational environment. The central goal is to improve the methodological assistance and encourage a teacher to construct an individual professional path to achieve the quality of the educational activity.

Keywords: transformation, additional professional education system, teacher training model, training system, approach, mechanism, methodological support and assistance, institute of professional associations, pre-school specialist

For citation: Maidankina N. Yu. Formation of an Institute of Professional Associations of Pre-School Specialists in the Process of Transformation of Teacher Training Models. Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2021; 15(4): 500-511 (In Russ.). DOI: 10.32343/2409-5052-2021-15-4-500-511

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