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№ 2, 2015


Zhmurova E.V.

Automation of the sites’ evaluation process

Abstract. The article deals with the automation of the process of placing information on the site, creation and maintenance of the current content of the municipal educational organizations’ sites; describes the experience of monitoring sites, the independent assessment of the content’s quality, and experience in regional sites contests.

Keywords: website monitoring, content, process automation, educational organizations, occupancy of sites, quality assessment.




Glazkov S.A.

Expert’s opinion.

Abstract. The article discusses the educational website of the organization as a prompt and objective way of informing people about the educational organization, as well as the formation of a positive image; describes the basic regulations, approving the requirements for the official website.

Keywords: site, educational organization, regulations, requirements for the structure of the site, contests.




Egorov B.V.

Advice for teachers on the use of ICT tools in the classroom and in extracurricular activities.

Abstract. This article provides guidance for teachers on the use of ICT tools in the classroom and in extracurricular activities. We give guidelines for working with sound, disclosed the contents of the standard program and recording audio.

Keywords: extracurricular activities, sound recording, sound recommendations, audio, standard program features standard audio file format sound file editor, system boards.




Rumyantsev A.G.

Flight defiance of the storm.

Abstract. The literary article devoted to the life and work of A. Fet, the first Russian poet, who was looking for the answer, what a human being is, in surrounding nature.

Keywords: poet, nature, art, lyrics, feelings, sentiment, love poems.






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