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№ 1, 2017




Garashchenko L. V.

A. E. Tretyakova and her “Family school” in Irkutsk




Abstract. In the article the organizational and pedagogical aspects of activities of the private educational institution “Family School” which existed in Irkutsk at the beginning of the 20th century are considered. The author analyzes the newly discovered archival materials and publications in pre-revolutionary periodicals.

Keywords: history of education, private education, private school, A. E. Tretyakova, Irkutsk.


Petrieva L. I.

The study of the play “Na Dne” by M. Gorkiy in the aspect of the new federal state educational standard




Abstract. The article shows the ways of achieving the metasubjective results in the process of applying to the essay «Drama on the bottom» by I. Annenkov while studying the play «Na dne» by M. Gorkiy.

Keywords: literary education, realizing the problem, the analysis of the information sources.

Sosnovskaya I. V.

Concept as a universal tool of the school analysis and an interpretation of the literary text




Abstract. In the article the importance of working with artistic/ literary concept while analyzing and interpretation of the text is noted. The author shows the importance of the category “concept” as the “senses archiver” – the integrated mechanism of the analysis and interpretation of the texts. Thanks to the integrated dialogical nature of concept it became possible to work with the great deal of literary knowledge while analyzing and interpretation of the literary works. The author tries to make the system of studying literary texts at school through the comprehensive concept “heart” in the stories by K. Paustovskiy, D. Kedrin, A. Platonov, A. Gorkiy, M. Bulgakov. Realizing of different sense the pervasive concept “heart” allows to introduce students to the space of the artistic and valuable sense dialogue providing the deeper understanding of the artistic world of different authors.

Keywords: concept, sphere of concepts, dialogue, conscious, analysis, interpretation, senses archiver, comprehensive image, values.

Romanicheva E. S., Senenko O. V., Metelkina Yu. S., Maimistova D. S.

From “required” reading to “independent” reading: what and how the teen readers read and discuss (based on survey)




Abstract. The article based on the survey investigates the range of modern students’ reading, defines their needs in the discussion of reading, possible formats of this discussion and other possible working “around” the text.

Keywords: survey, independent reading, the range of texts, the format for the reading discussion.

Darmaeva А. D.

Actual problems of teaching the buryat language in educational institutions of Irkutsk Regio




Abstract. The article considers the problems of studying the Buryat language at modern school such as using the educational potential of ethnic culture; the efficiency of solving the multicultural education problems; the formation of national identity; the problems of teaching the native language. The author defines the particularities of functioning of the Buryat language in Irkutsk region. In the paper some aspects of the regional language policy are analyzed. The author offers some ways of solving the problems of teaching the Buryat language in the educational institutions of Irkutsk region.

Keywords: multicultural education, national and regional component, national school, common ethnic and cultural education space.

Badueva G. Ts.

The history of Russia in the prose of K. Balkov




Abstract. In the prose of Russian-speaking writer of Buryatia K. Balkov the history of Russia is shown from the point of view of an ordinary person who is a participator and witness of the life of the country which is closely intertwined with the private life. The beginning of the modern world’s crisis connected with the development and more over with the attack of civilization on the nature and age-old lifestyle of people in Pribaikalie is depicted in in his earlier writings. In his mature works the writer pays attention to the turning points of Russian history: from the events of the beginning of the XXth century such as constructing the Circum-Baikal Railway, Russo-Japanese and Civil wars to the far time of introduction of Christianity into Rus’, etc. K. Balkov covering spaces, worlds and times forms the relation to the present through the past, predicts the future and influences the creation of national identity. It’s impossible to educate children and youth without learning the history of the country and its national and regional peculiarities. The K. Balkov’s novelism which is included into the school’s and university’s courses of Regional literature studies helps solve this task.

Keywords: history, historic process, the situation on the frontier, choice, civilization, Siberia, nature, regional literature studies.

Samsonova N. V.

Intertextual approach to analyzing the prose text in high school on the case of the story “A big lady with a little dog” by L. E. Ulitskaya




Abstract. The article discusses the intertextual approach to analyzing the literary works in high school, the expediency of which is explained by the peculiarities of the texts space of XX–XXI centuries, characterized as an intertext. Intertextuality refracts through the moral and aesthetic prism both the creative mastership of the writer and the reader’s skills and intellectual effort to restore the semantic connections, «compacted» with the introduction of intertextual elements in a holistic artistic unity. The modern picture of Russian Postmodernism in Literature presented by the special attitude of writers to the classics. The literary allusions in the story “A big lady with a little dog” by L. Ulitskaya involve students into the intertextual game, which helps to form an aesthetic taste and the basis of reading culture. The intertextual approach to the analysis of a literary work is a method of understanding, which allows one to reveal a wide variety of semantic nuances in their artistic unity.

Keywords: intertext, intertextuality, intertextual game, literary and artistic allusions.

Rudenko G. V.

About the preliminary concept paper of geography education development in the Russian Federation




Abstract. The Preliminary concept paper of geographical education development in the Russian Federation contains the important provisions which evaluate the current status of Geographical culture and education in Russia. The concept paper shows the low prestige of Geography at school and in society and the state of degradation in the system of geographic education nowadays. The problems mentioned in the article are especially noticeable at the regional level.

Keywords: Concept paper, the results of State Final Exams in Irkutsk Region, Geography of Russia, Geography of Irkutsk Region.

Plotnikov K. Yu.

The Place of E-music in the Musical and Health Environment of the Children’s Recreation Camp




Abstract. In the article the creation of musical and health environment is considered in the context of the educational space of the children’s recreation сamp. The specific character of the education process there is connected with such phenomena as musical and computer technologies (MCT) and e-music (the electronic form of music, which is able to be a translator of culture, creative material and the language of communication). The problems faced by adults who organize leisure for children and adolescents, based on the analysis of the contradictions between the prospects and risks of using e-music for educational purposes not only during the summer holidays, but also in the rest of time.

Keywords: children’s recreation сamp, education; recreation, musical and recreation environment; e-music; musical and computer technologies.

Nefedieva M. A.

The solution of logical tasks as a method of creative thinking development


Abstract. The article concerns the problem of creative thinking development with the help of solving logical tasks. It is assumed that the process should be systematic - from the simple tasks to complex ones, from the fifth to eleventh grade. The ability to think logically, to argue reasonably, to refute wrong conclusions does not come on its own, this skill should be developed by logic, in particular with the logical tasks solving. In the paper the classification of tasks is given. The difficulties of solving tasks which the students encountered, and methods overcoming them are discussed.

Keywords: logic algebra, logic task, analysis and synthesis, creative thinking.

Demidova M. V.

Modeling of the universal learning activities in the target component of teaching mathematics


Abstract. The article is devoted to the problem of setting new goals of teaching students mathematics in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard requirements to the formation of universal educational activities. The author analyzes the existing approaches to structuring and describing the universal educational activities as the planning results of teaching Mathematics and describes some cognitive  activities (comparison and synthesis).

Keywords: system and activity approach, the system of key universal learning activities, the target vector of education, the basis of educational process, Federal State Educational Standard of general education, dynamic structural and content model, step-by-step content of the activity, components of the action, motivation component, orientative component, structural elements of the action, the cognitive component, praxiological sentence component, characteristic of action, comparison, synthesis.


Kuchergina O. V.

About assessment the quality of education of the students with mental defectiveness (intellectual disability)


Abstract. In the article the main criteria for assessing the quality of education of the students with mental defectiveness (intellectual disability) in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Keywords: quality of education, adaptive curriculum, students with mental defectiveness (intellectual disability), Federal State Educational Standard, quality of education assessment, criteria of qualitative education.


Tikhonova T. N.

Specialty introduction


Abstract. In the issue the problem of accompaniment of a specialist’s professional formation is concerned; the importance of effective dialogue with the employer is determined. The problems of searching the conceptual items, related instruments and techniques of searching the forms of interaction between an educational organization and employers acquires a special relevance in the  current educational modernization according to which Federal state educational standards of the third generation change the requirements to the educational outcomes in changing society.

Keywords: professional competences, employer, labor market, specialist’s competitiveness.



Podlinyaev O. L., Kanina E. N.

Professional competence of a teacher: the stages of formation


Abstract. This article regards the problems of crises of professional competence of a teacher from the point of the theory of the humanitarian systems. The ways of overcoming the professional crisis with the methods of existential-humanistic psychology are analyzed.


Keywords: theory of the humanitarian systems, crises of professional competence of a teacher, existential-humanistic psychology.



Makarova I. N.

Living strategy of unemployments


Abstract. The article deals with the problems of the unemployed living strategies and their approach to life. The author analyses the results of the standard methods of personality research (on case study of unemployed young people). The value of such studies is to provide timely psychological assistance to the unemployed who need it.


Keywords: strategy of life, living strategy, unemployed young people, term of unemployment.



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