Researching the Motivation of the Additional Education Institution Pedagogical Staff for Innovative Activities

  • Author(s)


Soshenko Inessa Igorevna

Director of the Office of Commercialization of Educational, Scientific and Technological Developments


Tomsk State Pedagogical University

60 Kievskaya St, Tomsk, Russia, 634061

tel.: +7(3822)311464

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Matova Olga Alexandrovna

Director of Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution of Additional Education Children’s and Youth Center “Zvezdochka”, Tomsk

2 Elizarovykh St, Tomsk, Russia, 634012

tel.: +7(3822)414390

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Abstract. The article presents the results of studying motivation of teaching staff in Municipal autonomous institution of additional education children's and youth centerZvezdochka” in Tomsk for innovative activities. They included the analysis of motivation sources (according to the questionnaire “Motivation Sources Inventory”) and teachers' readiness for changes (according to the methodology of M. Zamotina). The studying established the fact that for teachers with a functional attitude to changes (initiators of innovations) the leading source of motivation was the internal self-concept (self-realization) and internal processes (process of work). For non-functional teachers (innovators’ followers) the leading source of motivation was the external self-concept (professional recognition) and the internalization of the goal (achievement of the organization's goals). For teachers with dysfunctional attitude to changes (resistance to innovation) instrumental motivation (economic reward) was the priority. On the basis of obtained information the motivation programme for teachers was offered in accordance with the type of relationship to changes and the leading source of motivation as well as intermediate results which testify to the effectiveness of its implementation were summarized.

Keywords: motivation, innovations, sources of motivation, pedagogical staff, motivation for innovative activity, stimulation.


For citation: Soshenko I. I., Matova O. A. Researching the Motivation of the Additional Education Institution Pedagogical Staff for Innovative Activities. Pedagogical IMAGE, 2018, no 2 (39), рр. 7–19.

UDС: 374.23+374.8




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