The Strategy of the “Reflection Fixation Point” as a Way to Motivate for Reading And Understanding Classic Text In Literature Classes


Sosnovskaya Irina Vitalievna

Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Professor of the Philology and Methods Department Pedagogical Institute, Irkutsk State University

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The introduction of the paper presents the goal of the study, which is to search for the ways to increase the motivation of schoolchildren to read and comprehend classic poetry texts within the framework of the hermeneutic approach.

Materials and Methods. The proposed method is substantiated by the methods of the analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature; and the analysis of reading methods, techniques and strategies aimed at setting a field of coordinates for school readers, in which they will be able to understand an author adequately and realize their own feelings and thoughts. The appeal to the reader’s subjective experience is substantiated by the need to relate this experience to the awareness of the cultural field of literature and the comprehension of artistic sense. According to the study, only the knowledge and senses that were part of the students’ life and emotional experience can be really relevant for them.

Results of the study. The specific features of perception inherent in modern generation of schoolchildren and self-determination in the communicative information space are analyzed; the reasons for the weakening and loss of their connection with the field of classic literature and culture are identified, the validity of addressing the reflection is substantiated not only from the perspective of didactics but also in terms of hermeneutics, in the process of analyzing and interpreting texts through the use of strategies of “reflection fixation points” at three levels of text comprehension. The activation of the students’ self-reflection in the process of their sense-based activity aimed at text comprehension results in the artistic reflection as reader’s co-creation. The application of this reflexive strategy to the analysis and interpretation of two poems by M. Tsvetaeva and A. Akhmatova demonstrates the most optimal way for young readers to comprehend the sense of the literary work and enhance their reading interest.

Conclusion. The study shows that the reflexive analysis provides simultaneous “movement” to the semantic core of the fiction and to the inner reality of the school reader, which makes it possible to improve the mental and spiritual structure of personality of the young.

Keywords: understanding, analysis, interpretation, techniques, strategies, sense,meta-sense, artistic hermeneutics, artistic reflection, personal reflection, reflection fixation points, reflexive techniques, associations, binary oppositions, motivation, mental activity.

For citation: Sosnovskaya I. V. The Strategy of the “Reflection Fixation Point” as a Way to Motivate for Reading And Understanding Classic Text In Literature Classes. Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2019; 13(3): 362–373. DOI: 10.32343/2409-5052-2019-13-3-362-373

UDС: 373.1

DOI: 10.32343/2409-5052-2019-13-3-362-373

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