Artistic Reflection as Condition of Student’s Comprehension of a Literary Work

  • Author(s)


Sosnovskaya Irina Vitalievna

Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy),

Professor of the Philology and Methods Department

Pedagogical Institute,

Irkutsk State University


9 Sukhe-Bator St, Irkutsk, 664011

tel.: 8(3952)240700

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Sitnikova Elena Romanovna

Postgraduate Student

Pedagogical Institute,

Irkutsk State University


9 Sukhe-Bator St, Irkutsk,664011

tel.: 8(3952)240700

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Abstract. The article substantiates the urgency of applying to reflection as a condition of a deeper and more adequate comprehension of a literary work by modern schoolchildren, as a concept, which helps implement one of the key ideas of the State Federal Standards – the idea of reading comprehension and reflexive reading. The authors denote the term “artistic reflection”, highlight its peculiarity, research its specifics, and formulate the main points of its directions in a literary text.  In the paper the main goal of the artistic reflection – developing the schoolchildren’s reading ability to see and take to heart other senses in texts in order to enrich their own senses and to realize the author’s ones deeper – is set. The implementation of the methodological aspect of using artistic reflection is shown on the example of making up the different kinds of reflective situations while analyzing and interpretation of a literary text at the Literature lessons.

Keywords: hermeneutics, artistic reflection, sense, comprehension, kinds of reflection, reflexive situation, points of reflection’s fixing, reflexive position.

For citation:.  Sosnovskaya I.V., Sitnikova E.R. Artistic Reflection as Condition of Student’s Comprehension of a Literary Work. Pedagogical IMAGE, 2018, no 2 (39), рр. 38–47.

UDС: 371.302.2





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