About comments, centrifugal and centripetal (article 1)

  • Author(s)

 Romanicheva Elena Stanislavovna

Candidate of Sciences (Pedagoogy),

Associate Professor, Chief Researcher at the Laboratory of Social and Cultural Educational Practices,

Institute of System Projects

Moscow City Pedagogical University, Honored teacher of the Russian Federation

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Abstract. The article deals with two tendencies, concerning the comments on the literary texts of the XIXth century. The first one is the new way of commenting on the classical texts of the XIXth century, oriented to the  reader of the beginning of the XXIth century; the second is commenting on the texts of the XXth century in order to include them into the “national canon” (children's literature).

Having denoted these two tendencies, the author focuses on the first one according to which the comments on the classics in the format of a polycode text are created. The author also explains what methodological goals in teaching Literature are the in this sphere.


Keywords: centrifugal and centripetal comment, «Eugene Onegin» by A. S. Pushkin, tendencies in commenting on a text, polycode text, the goal of methodology.



For citation:.  Romanychevа E. S. About comments, centrifugal and centripetal (article 1). Pedagogical IMAGE, 2018, no 2 (39), рр. 57–65.

UDС: 371.302.2





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