Supporting the Families Raising the Children with Disabilities in the Stages of Child’s Professional Self-determination

  • Author(s)

 Afanasyeva Raisa Al’bertovna

Candidate of Sciences (Pedagogy),

Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Theory and Practice of Special Education and Up-bringing

Pedagogical Institute,

Irkutsk State University

1 K. Marx St, Irkutsk, 664003

tel.: 8(3952)241097

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Abstract. The article presents the results of studying the problem of supporting families raising the children and teenagers with disabilities in the process of their professional self-determination. The importance of creating the complex programmes, the implementation of which will allow parents who raise such children to work out their professional route and improve their social opportunities. The approach to designing the professional self-determination programmes in the family is developed; the main parts of the programme are noted. Every part includes a child's anticipated achievements and the tutors’ tasks while implementing the programs. The specialists should not only design a program of professional self-determination, but also discuss it with parents, and outline the prospects for its implementation within the educational organization and the family.



Keywords: family, health limitations, programme, blocks, professional self-determination, professional route, tutor, improving the quality of life, social opportunities.


For citation:.  Afanasyeva R. A. Supporting the Families Raising the Children with Disabilities in the Stages of Child’s Professional Self-determination. Pedagogical IMAGE, 2018, no 2 (39), рр. 87–96.

UDС: 371.96





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