Pedagogical University Public Image in the Region’s Social and Cultural Environment

  • Author(s)

Fedosova Irina Valeryanovna

Candidate of Sciences (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Head of Social Pedagogy and Psychology Department

Pedagogical Institute,

Irkutsk State University

6  Naberezhnaya Nizhnyaya St, Irkutsk, 664011

tel.: +7(3952)200739

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Abstract. Recently the scientists have been paying more attention to the problem of public image which is proved by many publications and dissertations. However, there are few researches concerning the problem of creating educational institutions’ public image. Small empirical basis, the lack of prolonged research projects in this area, underdevelopment of the system of educational institutions’ monitoring and support in the area of creating corporative image aggravate the problem. The article presents the author’s experience in studying the set of factors forming the public image of an educational institution by the example of Pedagogy Institute of the Irkutsk State University. The author shows the necessity of elaborating psychological, pedagogic, organizational and methodological grounds for supporting positive public image of an institution.

 Keywords: public image; university’s public image; corporative image; organization’s image; factors forming public image; image characteristics; public opinion.


For citation:  Fedosova I. V. Pedagogical University Public Image in the Region’s Social and Cultural Environment. Pedagogical IMAGE, 2018, no 2 (39), рр. 128–137.

UDС: 378.8





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