Some Aspects of Forming the Dialogical Speech of Hard-of-Hearing Students in Extracurricular Activities


Demina Anna Vladimirovna

Candidate of Sciences (Pedagogy), Associate Professor of the Department of Technology of Psychological, Pedagogical and Special Education, ORCID:, Orel State University named after I. S. Turgenev

95 Komsomolskaya St, Orel, 302026, tel.: +7(4862)751318, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Abstract. Introduction.  The paper describes the conceptual provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard for Students with Disabilities, providing the personal development of hard-of-hearing and deafened students in accordance with the society requirements, and their successful socialization. It is noted that dialogical communication is a part of all components of socialization that fully ensures its success. The well-known features of oral communication of hard-of-hearing schoolchildren determine the significance of the work on optimizing the process of forming their dialogical speech in order to be successfully socialized in the environment of normal hearing people. Extensive opportunities for improving oral communication of hard-ofhearing students are in extracurricular activities. Materials and methods. A literature review on the problem of dialogical speech and the research of dialogical speaking skills hard-of-hearing students has been carried out. The author identified the potential opportunities for extracurricular activities for improving their communicative skills. The results of the study. The article contains the general characteristics of hard-of-hearing students’ dialogical speech; outlines some aspects of the content and organizing the work on teaching the dialogical speaking skills of hard-of-hearing students while extracurricular activities, as well as the guidelines for teachers. Discussion and conclusion. The materials of the article can be used in the practice of teachers of hard-of-hearing, speech pathologists as well as for the teaching bachelors, masters and postgraduates on defectologic specialties.

Keywords: optimization, the formation of dialogical speech, hard-of-hearing students, extracurricular activities.

For citation: Demina A. V. Some Aspects of Forming the Dialogical Speech of Hard-of-Hearing Students in Extracurricular Activities. Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2019; 13(1):69-78. DOI: 10.32343/2409-5052-2019-13-1-69-78.

UDС: 371.912

DOI: 10.32343/2409-5052-2019-13-1-69-78


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