Game as the Main Principle of Training 12-13-Year-Old Football Players


Komkov Vyacheslav Yur’evich

Postgraduate Student of the Department of Football and Hockey, Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sports, ORCID:

144 Maslennikov St, Omsk, 644009, tel.: +7(3812)364348, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Blinov Vyacheslav Anatol’evich

Candidate of Sciences (Pedagogy), Head of the Department of Football and Hockey, Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sports, ORCID:

144 Maslennikov St, Omsk, 644009, tel.: +7(3812)364348, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Abstract. Introduction. Today football places high demands on the motor, mental and technical abilities of players, who are to make optimal decisions in the context of rapidly changing game situations. The system of training young football players is undoubtedly the foundation for building the future sports reserve of the country. However, there are contradictions between the proposed methods and the objective of training football players in general. The paper is concerned with a pressing issue of technical and tactical training of young football players either in game conditions, or in the conditions close to them. Materials and Methods. This study employed the following methods: a theoretical analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature on the research topic, a pedagogical experiment, registration of competitive activity, and methods of mathematical statistics. The experiment involved twenty 12-13-year-old football players. Results. An analysis of the studies conducted in this field has revealed that the game-based training principles coincide with the modern view on football development and its trends in the world. The solution to the problem posed is seen in the inclusion of theoretical classes in the training system of young athletes to provide them with specialized knowledge and skills to solve game situations, as well as in the creation of conditions in practical classes that meet the requirements of a real game situation. An algorithm is proposed to compile game-based exercises from simple to complex ones using the example of the beginning and development of an attack in zone of defense. The indices of technical and tactical skills are introduced. They could serve as criteria for assessing the quality of the athletes’ play. Conclusion. The research has theoretically justified and experimentally proved the effectiveness of the game-based method as the basic principle of training the 12-13-yearold football players.

Keywords: game-based training, technical and tactical training of young football players, competitive activity, group tactical interaction.

For citation: Komkov V. Yu., Blinov V. A. Game as the Main Principle of Training 12-13-Year-Old Football Players // Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2019; 13(2):189-201. DOI: 10.32343/2409-5052-2019-13-2-189-201

UDС: 796:37.012

DOI: 10.32343/2409-5052-2019-13-2-189-201

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