Professional Education of a Language and Literature Teacher: Search for Development Reserves in a Digital Age


Еlena Оlegovna Galitskikh

Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Professor, Head of the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature and Teaching Methods, ORCID:, Researcher ID: G-3532-2018, Vyatka State University

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Abstract.  Introduction. The focus of the paper is the problem of updating the professional pedagogical education in a digital age. The paper aims to search for the reserves of professional training of a language and literature teacher. Materials and Methods. The study was conducted at the Faculty of Philology and Mediacommunication of Vyatka State University. It involved 63 3-5 year students majoring in Pedagogy. The study was based on an integrative approach and was aimed at updating the technologies for the educational process. Pedagogical modeling, design, purposeful observation, questioning, analysis of creative products of work, statistical data processing, generalization and systematization of results were used as methods. Results. The strategic changes in the professional training of language and literature teachers were analyzed, and the causes of these changes were identified. The paper describes the problematic aspects of the methodological training of future philologists, analyzes the motives of their professional self-determination, reveals the reserves of professional training of language and literature teachers, i.e.  a reasonable combination of online and offline learning, the implementation of the National program intended to support children and youth reading, the enrichment of methodological training with modern project tools and experience of interuniversity interaction. Conclusion. Professional training of a teacher is directed to the future. It seeks to meet the requirements of the digital age, to master new information technologies, and to implement the methods of communication and feedback as prospective reserves of the teacher development.

Keywords: professional training of a language and literature teacher, information technologies, online training, the program for support and development of reading, methodological experience, methodological, organizational levels of professional training, educational projects, methods of feedback organization.

For citation:  Galitskikh Е. О. Professional Education of a Language and Literature Teacher: Search for Development Reserves in a Digital Age // Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2019; 13(2):213-226. DOI: 10.32343/2409-5052-2019-13-2-213-226.

UDС: 371.134

DOI: 10.32343/2409-5052-2019-13-2-213-226

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