About the Functional Bases of Text Comprehension and Understanding


Dorofeev Yuri Vladimirovich

Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Assistant Professor, Vice-Rector for Research, acting Head of the Department of Philology, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3925-090X, The Crimean Republican Institute of Postgraduate Teacher Education

15 Lenin St, Simferopol, the Republic of Crimea, Russia, 295000, tel.: +7(3652)274515, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Introduction. The focus of the paper is the problem of comprehension and understanding of different types of texts by students when taking State Final Examination. The goal of this study is to establish patterns of the examination texts comprehension and pinpoint the effects arising in the process of comprehension.

Materials and methods. The texts proposed in the framework of the Russian language exam, and various interpretations of these texts presented in the works by students are considered to be an object of the study. The study is conducted on the basis of a functional approach, in which the text is viewed as a tool of social interaction.

Results. The analysis of the empirical material indicates, on the one hand, that a lot of students did not master the skills of functional reading adequately to identify the core and other components in the text, and, on the other hand, that the texts designed for certain purposes should allow for various effects that are likely to emerge and obstruct the comprehension of certain information.

Conclusion. The study focuses on the necessity of consistently implementing the functional methods of text comprehension and interpretation into the educational practice, which will make it possible to both prevent misinterpretation of the conceptual information extracted from the texts and take into account the effects to arise in the process of their comprehension when preparing the texts for the State Final Examination.

Keywords: text, functional approach, comprehension, understanding, the Russian language.

For citation: Dorofeev Yu. V. About the Functional Bases of Text Comprehension and Understanding. Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2019; 13(3):321-332. DOI: 10.32343/2409-5052-2019-13-3-321-332.

UDС: 81.42

DOI: 10.32343/2409-5052-2019-13-3-321-332

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