Assistive Technologies for Children with Severe Hearing Disabilities: an Analysis of Application Barriers


Mironova Mаrina Vladimirovna, Сandidate of Sciences (Soicology), Senior Lecturer of Social Work Department, ORCID 0000-0001-8524-911Х, Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin

19 Mir St, Yekaterinburg, Russia, 620002, tel.: +7(343)3754444, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dyakonova Elena Alexandrovna, 4th Year Student of Social Work Department, Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin

19 Mir St, Yekaterinburg, 620002, Russia, tel.: +7(343)3754444, e-mail: lena.dyakonovaaa@yandex. ru

Abstract. Introduction. In the modern world, one of the most important and effective mechanisms for social inclusion of children with hearing disorders is the use of assistive technologies. This paper focuses on a study of barriers that make it difficult to use hearing aids and devices for this category of children.

Materials and Methods. The paper presents the first stage of the study module devoted to an analysis of causes that reduce the chances for hearing impaired children to use hearing aids as a type of assistive technologies. The empirical basis of the study consists of the results of a questionnaire survey of 53 parents raising children with auditory perception disorders, and an interview of 10 teachers, educators and specialists who work in the state budget educational institution of the Sverdlovsk region ‘Center for Psychological, Medical and Social Support “Echo”’, where children with severe hearing disorders are trained.

Results of the study allow us to find out the reasons for limited use of assistive technologies outside the educational institution. The problems identified are associated with the lack of parents’ interest in their children’s use of the hearing aid technologies. Attention is also focused on the barriers existing in society and the state, which prevent more effective use of assistive technologies for social inclusion of hearing impaired children.

Conclusion. The results obtained expand the understanding of the assistive technologies and the problems of their use by hearing impaired children. They can be used by teachers to determine the tasks of educational activities for the children with limited auditory perception. The presented materials can also be instrumental for the school counselor to plan joint activity with the family of a child with hearing impairment.

Keywords: children with hearing impairment, assistive technologies, accessibility of assistive technologies, barriers to the use of assistive technologies.

For citation:  Mironova M. V., Dyakonova E. A. Assistive Technologies for Children with Severe Hearing Disabilities: an Analysis of Application Barriers. Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2020; 14(1):20-32.


UDС: 376.33


DOI: 10.32343/2409-5052-2020-14-1-20-32


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