Differentiation of the Concepts “General Speech Underdevelopment” and “Systemic Speech Underdevelopment”


Murashova Irina Juryevna, Candidate of Sciences (Psychology), Associate Professor of the Department of Complex Correction of Child Development Disorders, ORCID https://orcid.org/ 0000-0002-0001-5208, Pedagogical Institute, Irkutsk State University

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Abstract. Introduction. The distinction between the interpretations of speech therapy conclusions for systemic speech disorders in students with mental retardation and hearing impairment, in contrast to children with normal hearing and intellect, is relevant in speech therapy and logopsychology. The purpose of the paper is to highlight the problem of differentiation of concepts and formulations of speech therapy conclusions for systemic speech disorders due to similar symptoms manifested in expressive speech, and propose the ways to solve it.

Materials and methods. The study employed the scientific and methodological publications of researchers in the field of special psychology and correctional pedagogy. General scientific and comparative-historical research methods were used to perform the set tasks.

Results. The study has identified the main differentiating features in the symptoms of systemic speech disorders, which manifest themselves in an impressive speech, for general speech underdevelopment and systemic speech underdevelopment. The findings also indicate that when specialists apply the speech therapy conclusions according to R .E. Levina’s psychological and pedagogical classification to the children with systemic speech disorders, which have intact intellect and normal biological hearing, this is considered to be justified. However, when such conclusions are applied to the children with insufficient intellectual development or hearing impairment, this contradicts the very concept of general speech underdevelopment. The paper proposes modern interpretations of speech therapy conclusions for systemic speech disorders, which allow differentiating the primary or secondary speech disorders in students with intellectual disabilities, mental retardation, and hearing disorders.

Conclusion. The paper can be useful for speech therapists, logopsychologists and specialists working in educational institutions, centers of psychological-pedagogical, medical and social assistance, psychological-medical-pedagogical commissions, and other organizations.

Keywords: general speech underdevelopment, systemic speech underdevelopment, systemic speech disorders, speech therapy conclusion.

For citation:   Murashova I. Yu. Differentiation of the Concepts “General Speech Underdevelopment” and “Systemic Speech Underdevelopment”. Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2020; 14(1): 78-91.


UDС: 159.9.072+376.37


DOI: DOI: 10.32343/2409-5052-2020-14-1-78-91


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