The Building of Reading Skills in Elementary School Children in the Process of Acquiring the Native Conceptual Sphere


Sodnomov Sonombal Tsydenovich, Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Senior Lecturer, Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Childhood, ORCID, Buryat Republican Institute for Educational Policy

30 Sovetskaya St, Ulan-Ude, Republic of Buryatia, Russia, 670000, tel.: +7(3012)216113, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Abstract. The introduction of the paper considers the possibilities of the conceptual-semantic system of the Buryat native culture in the literary development of younger schoolchildren in the Buryat language.

Materials and methods. For the literary development of younger schoolchildren in the Buryat language, the author proposes relying on the culturological understanding of the sources of traditional culture. An analysis of the research conducted by scholars (ethnographers and culturologists) that characterize the rites of the life cycle in the Buryat traditional culture, and investigations aimed at studying the Buryat traditional clothes and partly corporeality will provide a ground for selecting the contents of the conceptual sphere of the Buryat culture. According to the author, the knowledge acquired in the process of reading literary texts in the classes of literary reading in the Buryat language, and the emotional experience gained will become a kind of solution to the problem of studying and preserving the basics of traditional culture and introducing students into the space of their native Buryat culture. In the process of acquiring the Buryat conceptual sphere, the elementary school children develop an ability to identify and characterize the cultural concepts of the Buryat people in a literary work in the Buryat language.

The results of the study. The contents of the material in the Buryat language for the literary development of elementary school children was selected according to the refl ection of the conceptual sphere in the literary works. The contents is represented by the topics “subject world”, “nature”, “the inner world of an individual”, “social and normative relations”, which are given through the basic concepts shown in Figure 1 and the table. The selected material allows younger students to acquire the conceptual spheres of the Buryat people and provides the formation of a special skill – the ability to identify and characterize the cultural concepts of the Buryat people in the process of analysis of a literary work.

Conclusion. According to the author, the selected contents will become a prerequisite for the implementation of the ethnic-cultural component and is a condition for the study and preservation of the foundations of traditional culture. Reading skills built in elementary school will be necessary and suffi cient to enable the students to fully perceive the literature of different genres in the Buryat language and derive aesthetic pleasure from reading it in the next stages of their education. Moreover, it is precisely the reading skills that will provide the younger students with the opportunity to independently acquire new knowledge and create the basis for self-learning and self-education in the future.

Keywords: the Buryat language, elementary school student, Buryat conceptual sphere, literary work in the Buryat language, reading in the Buryat language, building of reading skills.

For citation:   Sodnomov S. Ts. The Building of Reading Skills in Elementary School Children in the Process of Acquiring the Native Conceptual Sphere. Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2020; 14(2): 133-145

UDС: 821.161.1+372.41

DOI: 10.32343/2409-5052-2020-14-2-133-145


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