Several Written Traditions of the Kildin-Sami Language as the Main Problem of Its Preservation and Teaching


Bakula Viktoria Borisovna, Candidate of Sciences (Philology), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Philology and Media Communications, ORCID, Murmansk Arctic State University

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Abstract. Introduction. The paper is concerned with the state of the Kildin-Sami language which belongs to a separate group of the Finno-Ugric branch of the Uralic language family. The research aims to analyze the issue of the lack of a unifi ed graphical system for the writing of the Kildin-Sami language, which complicates its teaching and preservation.

Materials and methods. The research involved the documents on the creation of writing, the approval of alphabets and their variants; teaching aids; lexicographic literature and fi ction in the Kildin-Sami language; as well as the papers by specialists. The main research methods are the empirical method and the method of historical knowledge.

Results. The research has concluded that the prolonged dispute about the alphabet variants becomes irrelevant in the context of language extinction, but it can lead to a complete loss of the language. The 1982 alphabet (the modifi ed 1979 alphabet) is the most practical and viable one.

Conclusion. The research fi ndings, which are based on previously unknown facts and have been introduced into the scientifi c use, can help to end the dispute about the variants of the Sami alphabets. They can also initiate the creation of educational literature in a unifi ed graphic system and preserve the fi ction created on its basis, promote the teaching of the language of the indigenous small-numbered people, and, thus, preserve the language.

Keywords: the indigenous people, preservation of the language, the Kola Saami, Kildin-Sami language, graphic language system.

For citation:   Bakula V. B. Several Written Traditions of the Kildin-Sami Language as the Main Problem of Its Preservation and Teaching. Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2020; 14(2): 146-160

UDС: 811.511.12

DOI: 10.32343/2409-5052-2020-14-2-146-160


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