A model of Methodological Support for the Process of Introducing the Subjects “Native (Russian) Language” and “Literary Reading in the Native (Russian) Language” into the Practice of Elementary Education

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Osintseva Tatyana Vladimirovna, Elementary School Teacher, ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-00024579-6941, Lyceum No. 9 of Novosibirsk

41 1905 goda St., Novosibirsk, Russia, 630132, tel.: +7(383)2203691, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Abstract. Introduction. This paper actualizes the problem of inconsistency between the regulatory requirements for the state guarantees to be provided in the fi eld of exercising the rights to study the native language, stipulated by the current legislation, and pedagogical practice. The study aims to model a system of methodological support for introducing the courses “Native (Russian) language” and “Literary reading in the native (Russian) language” in the learning process in elementary education.

Materials and methods. The Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution “Lyceum No 9” in Novosibirsk served as a base for conducting the pedagogical experiment on testing the methodological materials. The content analysis, comparison, pedagogical experiment, observation, and monitoring made it possible to model a system for supporting the process of introducing the new subjects into the practice of elementary education. Two working programs and two distance courses were prepared and tested. They allow the teacher in elementary school to organize teaching the new subjects, given the specifi c features of the language and literature in Siberia and Novosibirsk.

Results. The results of testing the materials indicate an increase in motivation in students to study their native language and positive assessment of programs and courses by teachers. The monitoring procedures allow us to talk about the effectiveness of the proposed model implementation.

Conclusion. The materials of the research can be of practical signifi cance for the teachers of elementary general education, the administration of educational organizations, methodologists, and heads of the programs for advanced training and retraining of educators. Prospective studies will focus on the development of working programs and distance learning courses on the “Native (Russian) language” and “Literary reading in the native (Russian) language” for the entire level of elementary general education, and their testing.

Keywords: native language, specifi cs of teaching the native language, specifi cs of teaching literary reading in the native language, communicative-activity approach.

For citation: Osintseva T. V. A model of Methodological Support for the Process of Introducing the Subjects “Native (Russian) Language” and “Literary Reading in the Native (Russian) Language” into the Practice of Elementary Education. Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2020; 14(2): 161-182

UDС: 372.881.161.1+ 372.882 + 373.31

DOI: 10.32343/2409-5052-2020-14-2-161-182


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