The Adequacy of Linguistic Knowledge as a Condition for the Formation of Functional Literacy


Mariya G. Markina-Gurdzhi, Candidate of Sciences (Philology), Associate Professor of the Department of Philology, ORCID, Crimean Republican Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education


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Abstract. Introduction. The paper considers the formation of functional literacy in the lessons of the Russian language. The study aims to characterize the adequacy of the linguistic knowledge acquired by students as a prerequisite for mastering functional literacy in the Russian language lessons. The adequacy of linguistic knowledge as an indispensable condition for the successful formation of functional literacy in the lessons of the Russian language is confirmed by a new approach to fulfilling the priority task of modern education.

Materials and Methods. The object of the research is the process of the formation of functional literacy presented in the educational program and textbook and implemented in the lessons of the Russian language. The study employs the functional approach, which views the language as an instrument of social interaction and mutual influence; and the methods of content analysis of educational programs and educational literature.

Results. The research indicates that functional literacy is the ability to apply knowledge about the Russian language system and its norms to achieve the goals in the course of speech interaction, i.e., the ability to use the language according to its purpose. It is concluded that the adequate knowledge of the language, its laws, and structure is an indispensable condition for the formation of this skill. The concrete examples are used to illustrate the principle of the formation of knowledge of the language science, which is adequate to the current state, and determine the effective forms and working methods for applying the knowledge gained in real situations of speech interaction.

Conclusion. The results of the research focus on the need to reflect a functional description of the language and its units in the program for the Russian language and textbooks. This description will contribute to the formation of adequate knowledge of the language as a system whose function is to be an instrument of mutual influence in the context of social interaction. The acquisition of knowledge about the language, which does not contradict to its essence, allows developing a system of work on mastering the skill to apply the acquired knowledge in the specific practice of using the language, i.e., to form functional literacy in the Russian language lessons.

Keywords: functional literacy, function, regulatory function, subsystem of nomina­tive means, situation of speech interaction.


For citation: Markina-Gurdzhi M. G. The Adequacy of Linguistic Knowledge as a Condition for the Formation of Functional Literacy. Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2020; 14(3): 357-374.

UDС: 372.881.116.11

DOI: 10.32343/2409-5052- 2020-14-3-357-374


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