Assessment of Catching and Passing the Ball of Handball Qualified Teams


Marina V. Parakhovskaya, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Sports and Pedagogical Disciplines, ORCID, P. M. Masherov Vitebsk State University


30 Chapaev St, Vitebsk, Belarus, 210038, tel.: +375(212)679313, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Vadim A. Khloptsev, Associate Professor of the Department of Sports and Pedagogical Disciplines

ORCID, P. M. Masherov Vitebsk State University


30 Chapaev St, Vitebsk, Belarus, 210038, tel.: +375(212)679313, e-mail: HlopсThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Abstract. Introduction. The paper considers the efficiency of significant technical and tactical elements of the game (catching and passing the ball) in a competitive environment. The purpose of the study is to examine the performance of catching and passing by qualified handball teams using the HandballTraning computer program.

Review of the literature. The coaches do not sufficiently focus on catching and passing techniques during training and competition. As a result, there are few scientific and methodological publications related to these elements. The paper reviews scientific publications by V.Ya. Ignatieva, V.V. Ampleeva, O.V. Romenskaya, I.Yu. Bliznova, Nguen Khyu Chung, and M.V. Zhiiyar.

Material and methods. The study involved analyzing the games of the Belarusian Handball Championship among the women’s Top League teams. Seven teams participating in the Championship were analyzed, and 28 games were considered.

The results of the study. Analysis of the games has indicated that the teams at the bottom of the championship table make a large number of errors in the considered game elements. It is also worth noting that more mistakes are made during important and crucial games, which determine the team tournament standings. Besides, outside and half-right and left players showed a low level of catching and passing the ball.

Conclusion. The technique of catching and passing the ball makes a significant contribution to the victory of the team. This technique should be given more attention during the training of teams of different ages and levels of skills. Moreover, the level of general, special, and technical training of a player affects the performance and efficiency of catching and passing the ball, which is also worth paying attention to in the training process.

Keywords: handball, technique, tactics, catching and passing the ball, information, and communication technologies.


For citation: Parakhovskaya M. V., Khloptsev V. A. Assessment of Catching and Passing the Ball of Handball Qualified Teams. Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2020; 14(3):423-435.

UDС: 796.322.4

DOI: 10.32343/2409-5052-2020-14-3-423-435


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