The Problem Field of Modern Higher Pedagogical Education


Olimpiada A. Lapina, Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Professor, Professor of the Pedagogy and Psychology of Primary Education Department, ORCID, WOSUID: AAG-9532-2019, SPIN: 1370-5799, Pedagogical Institute, Irkutsk State University


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Abstract. Introduction. The paper is concerned with the processes of professional-pedagogical education in modern higher educational institutions and the problems of business and speech culture that face the students involved in educational and cognitive activities.

Objective. The objective of the paper is to substantiate the relationship between the activity of students in the educational process and the level of their human development and communicative creativity. The research aimed to develop a methodology to organize an educational process facilitating the actualization of professionally oriented thinking (the ability to understand, reveal, and explain the value of facts and phenomena).

Materials and methods. The research methodology is a generalizing analysis of the problems of vocational education, its orientation, and contents at various levels of the specialist’s personality development. The units of practical assessment were self-esteem, speech activity, knowledge of the basic forms of work with words, and interpretation of meaning within the topic of reasoning.

Research results. The findings have indicated the relationship between the student’s activity in the educational process and the level of their human development, communicative creativity, business and speech culture, passivity/activity in educational and cognitive activities, the degree of understanding the responsibility for choosing a profession, and the meaning of the “professionally-oriented rapport” concept. The ways of actualizing professionally-oriented thinking have been determined. A methodology for building an interest in the investigative type of thinking and the gradual conscious acquisition of a block of knowledge has been developed and tested. The study has clarified the professional significance of the organizational forms contributing to the development of cognitive and communicative competence of professional thought creation.

Discussion and conclusion. What are the advantages of the proposed model? It reveals the meaning of what has been learned, expands the desire to understand, conveys the essence of information, develops a professionally-oriented ability to substantiate one’s viewpoint; forms an opinion on science, a scientific subject, the­ory, and technology in a professionally significant field of activity. The research continues, however, the preliminary findings allow the following conclusions. The result of these actions is positive dynamics in understanding the value of teachers’ professional activity, the formation of a habit of self-organization and learn-and-create activity.

Keywords: educational space of the university, professionally-oriented thinking, cognitive activity, culture of education, transformation of professional education, new literacy.


For citation: Lapina O. A. The Problem Field of Modern Higher Pedagogical Education. Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2020; 14(3):472-484.

UDС: 378+371.13

DOI: 10.32343/2409-5052-2020-14-3-472-484


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