Psycho-Emotional State of Students in the Context of Distance Learning in the First Wave of Self-Isolation


Tatyana I. Kulikova, Candidate of Sciences (Psychology), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, ORCID, Leo Tolstoy Tula State Pedagogical University

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Abstract. The paper presents an empirical study conducted among students during the first wave of self-isolation in May-June 2020. The study aims to identify specific features of a psycho-emotional state in students in the context of distance learning during self-isolation. The research objectives are to study the effect of forced self-isolation on the psycho-emotional state of an individual; determine characteristics of a psycho-emotional state of students, and establish a connection between mental states and the experience of loneliness in students.

Materials and methods. Ascertaining experiment was used as the main method. The sample consisted of fifty-five students aged between 19 and 22. The study was conducted in a virtual interaction mode. The results were statistically processed using Kendall’s rank correlation coefficient and r-Pearson’s correlation coefficient.

Research results. The findings indicate the features of the psycho-emotional state in students during distance learning in self-isolation; establish the presence of a direct negative relation between the experience of loneliness and the level of mental activation and interest of students, as well as a direct positive connection with anxiety, frustration, and obsessive states.

Conclusion. The research results expand the scientific understanding of the psycho-emotional states of student youth; contribute to the improvement in methods of regulating the psycho-emotional states in university students; can be used to develop programs for psycho-prophylaxis, psycho-correction, and psycho-pedagogical support of students forced to self-isolate due to prolonged illness, special health opportunities, or the transition to distance education.

Keyword: psycho-emotional state, mental states, students, distance learning, self-isolation, restrictive measures.

For citation: Kulikova T. I. Psycho-Emotional State of Students in the Context of Distance Learning in the First Wave of Self-Isolation. Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2021; 15(1): 112-122. DOI: 10.32343/2409-5052-2021-15-1-112-122

UDС: 159.99

DOI: 10.32343/2409-5052-2021-15-1-112-122

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