Impact of Academic Mobility on the Global Competence of Modern Students


Olga G. Maslennikova, Candidate of Sciences (Pedagogy), Director at the Center for Joint Academic Programs,, National Research Tomsk State University

36 Lenin Ave. (Prospekt Lenina), Tomsk, Russia, 634050, tel.: +7 (3822) 526359, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tatiana A. Kostyukova, Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Professor, Professor at the Department of General and Pedagogical Psychology,, National Research Tomsk State University

36 Lenin Ave. (Prospekt Lenina), Tomsk, Russia, 634050, tel.: +7 (3822) 529720, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Introduction. The paper considers the issue of building global competence of modern students through their participation in academic mobility programs.

Methods and materials. The paper presents the results of the research carried out at the National Research Tomsk State University. The research aimed to identify the specifi c features of students’ participation in academic mobility programs designed to build global competence.

The literature review focused on the intercultural interaction in the course of professional and personal activities of students, the clarifi cation of the basic concepts, and establishment of the research conceptual framework.

The research outcomes. The specifi c features of building global competence of modern university students were updated. On this basis, certain organizational opportunities of the academic mobility for building global competence were justifi ed for modern educational practices.

Conclusion. The views of Russian and foreign scientists on the issue of building the global competence which contributes to the organization of productive intercultural joint activities are considered and analyzed. The paper also presents the fi ndings of an empirical study.


For citation: Maslennikova O. G., Kostyukova T. A. Impact of Academic Mobility on the Global Competence of Modern Students. Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2022; 16(2): 119-129. (In Russ.). DOI: h ttps://

DOI: 10.32343/2409-5052-2022-16-2-119-129

UDС: 378.4

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