Modern Experimental Teaching of Russian as a Foreign Language in the Universities of China


Liu Jingjuan, Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Senior lecturer, Dean of the Faculty of the Russian Language,, Shanghai University of Political Science and Law

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Abstract. The paper discusses the projects and practice of experimental teaching of Russian as a foreign language (RFL) in the universities of China, which diff ers from traditional teaching of foreign languages. Based on the connotative development of the higher education, the general concept of the experimental teaching project “Internet+Russian,” its main content, innovative model of organization, tasks and prospects for deepening the pedagogical reform of teaching Russian as a foreign language are investigated. Using smart campus networks, language labs, digital language resources, and focusing on the real needs of students, the experiential teaching is conducted within four experimental learning modules that aim to resolve the issue of poor quality teaching of RFL due to the absence of a learning situation, time and space restrictions, and intercultural barriers. On this basis, three educational strategies are proposed to organize and conduct experimental work in teaching RFL. Findings indicate that the experimental teaching of RFL develops educational autonomy of students, builds intercultural communication skills, increases interest in scientifi c research and develops critical thinking in accordance with the requirements of the new humanities.

Keywords: methodology, experiential teaching, Russian as a foreign language, China, professional activity, language competence

For citation: Liu Jingjuan Modern Experimental Teaching of Russian as a Foreign Language in the Universities of China. Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2022; 16(2):165-177. (In Russ.). DOI:

UDС: 378.1

DOI: 10.32343/2409-5052-2022-16-2-165-177

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