Conceptual Features of the Motivation-and-Need Component of the Educational Activities of Fathers of Various Nationalities


Anastasiya A. Efimova, Lecturer in the Psychology Department,, Surgut State Pedagogical University

10/2 50 let VLKSM St, Surgut, Russia, 628417, tel.: +7 (3462) 774070, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Abstract. Introduction. Russia, as a multinational country, has a large percentage of interethnic families. This feature affects the educational activities of the family and the father, in particular. Although the role of the father in the upbringing of the child differs from that of the mother, it is very important. It is the father who acts in the family as a connecting element of the system and his participation in the upbringing of children is of a stable nature, which has effect on both personal and social aspects of their development. The motivation-and-need component (as the fundamental component of any activity) is crucial in the study of the educational activity of fathers of various nationalities. The conceptual features of this component will affect the result of this activity, i.e., the development of the child.

Research methods. The study employed the questionnaire “Features of Family Education” (Yu. A. Tokareva, A. A. Efimova); methodology “Motivation-and-Need Sphere of Fatherhood” (MNSF), (Yu. A. Tokareva); MannWhitney U test.

The results of the study. The dominant motives in each national group have been established: the motive of social approval - for the Russian; the motive of achieving success in relations with the child and in their development – for the Ukrainian; the motive of self-realization in children – for the Tatar; the motive of self-affirmation – for the Armenian and Azerbaijani nationalities.

Conclusion. The results obtained in the study can be used to develop psychological and pedagogical recommendations for interacting with the family.

Keywords: fatherhood, upbringing, father’s educational activity, motivation of fatherhood

For citation: Efimova A. A. Conceptual Features of the Motivation-and-Need Component of the Educational Activities of Fathers of Various Nationalities/ Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2022; 16(3): 336-344. (In Russ.). DOI: 5052-2022-16-3-336-344

DOI: 10.32343/2409-5052-2022-16-3-336-344

UDС: 37.018.11

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