Mechanism of Communicative Interaction in the System of Interactive Learning


Anastasya V. Vasilieva, Candidate of Sciences (Pedagogy), Lecturer of the Department of Design,, St. Petersburg State University

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Abstract. In the context of implementation of the competence-based approach and the Federal State Educational Standard 3++ at the university, which require more practice-orient- ed teaching, pedagogy and methodology pay great attention to the development of various learning technologies, including those interactive, which are designed to become a bridge between educational activities and future professional activities of students. Despite the existence of a significant research base for interactive learning, insufficient attention is given to an aspect such as communicative interaction in the system of the phenomenon under con- sideration. The data available in the scientific and methodological literature are differentiated and isolated, which impedes building a systematic understanding of the role of speech interaction in the process of interactive learning. The paper aims to study the mechanism of communicative interaction as the basis of interactive learning by the example of university education.

Materials and Methods: The study was based on the methods of content analysis, survey, and alchemical cross.

Results: The study has established the importance of communicative interaction both for pedagogical communication at university in general and for the process of interactive learning in particular; determined the main motives and conditions through which people enter into communication in the modern world; identified four stages of the communicative interaction process; 4) presented the process of communicative interaction as a movement through the four stages associated with desire (motive), courage (incentive), opportunity (cognitive interest), knowledge (interaction); 5) obtained a model reflecting the mechanism of communicative interaction.

Discussion and Conclusion. The developed model of the communicative interaction con- tributes to the development of the scientific theory of the phenomenon at issue, organizes the theoretical knowledge about it at a qualitatively new level. The results of the study can be applied in: 1) the development of an interactive environment model at university; 2) practical activities to implement interactive teaching in various disciplines at university.

Keywords: interactive learning, interaction, communicative interaction, pedagogical communication, interest, teaching foreign students, categorical method “Alchemical Cross”

For citation: Vasilieva A. V. Mechanism of Communicative Interaction in the System of Interactive Learning Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2022; 16(4): 365-380. (In Russ.). DOI:


UDС: 378.147

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