Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to the Creation of Diagnostic Tools for the Course “Development of Touch and Fine Motor Skills” for Blind Primary School Students


Alla V. Potemkina, Candidate of Sciences (Pedagogy), Associate Professor of the Department of Typhlopedagogy, the Instituteof Defectological Education and Rehabilitation, Author ID in RSCI – 414188,, A. I. Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia

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Abstract. The implementation of the Approximate adapted basic educational programs of primary general education for blind students required the development of a unified diagnostic framework for the special education courses, which are included in the program of education with a prolonged period of study. The initial diagnosis under the course “Development of touch and fine motor skills” is aimed at identifying the level of readiness of a visually impaired first-grader to study at school in general and to master the course program; at establishing the level of tactile skills developed at the initial stage of education and the ability to use them in various activities. Based on the primary data obtained, the teacher can develop a strategy and tactics for teaching a future first-grader, given their special educational needs.

The study aims to develop the content and to test the initial diagnostic tools for the special education course “Development of touch and fine motor skills” in the 1st grade for blind students. Currently, there are some diagnostic techniques designed for visually impaired pre- schoolers and those with amblyopia and strabismus. However, there is no such diagnostic material for visually impaired children entering the 1st grade. Therefore, the developed diagnosis procedure is based on the continuity of the syllabus and planned results of preschool education, given the specific features of the blind child development and preschool education. The procedure includes the program, methodological instructions on its implementation, methodological recommendations for the diagnosis according to the special education course.

The paper presents the main approaches to the development of diagnostic tools, the aim, structure and content of the initial diagnosis by area and parameter to be studied. It also describes the stimulus material used in each area and, based on the pilot research findings, presents an analysis of the difficulties in developing tactile skills and abilities in blind first graders at the initial stage of education.

Materials and Methods employed in the research include pedagogical design, pilot design, analysis of scientific literature on the development features of blind students, development of diagnostic tools for the category of blind children; methods of observation, diagnostic tech- niques, and study into the products of activity.

The object of the study is diagnostic tools used in pedagogical practice and aimed at iden- tifying difficulties in developing tactile skills and abilities in blind students at the time of admission to the 1st grade.

Research results. The study has identified the main approaches to the development of the initial diagnostic tools, has revealed the level of readiness of blind first-graders to master the course “Development of touch and fine motor skills”, has established the difficulties in the formation and development of tactile skills and abilities, which are encountered by the blind students when performing a set of diagnostic tasks.

Conclusion. The results of testing the diagnostic tools have indicated the need for their introduction into the general structure of special education courses in order to optimize the educational process for the visually impaired students.

Keywords: blind learners, tactile perception, readiness to learn, testing, diagnostic tools

For citation: Potemkina A. V. Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to the Creation of Diagnostic Tools for the Course “Development of Touch and Fine Motor Skills” for Blind Primary School Students. Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2022; 16(4): 408-425. (In Russ.). DOI:


UDС: 376.3

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