The Childhood Value Potential in the Context of the National Security Strategy


Natalia M. Shibanova, Candidate of Sciences (Pedagogy), Associate Professor of Department Theory and Methods of Preschool and Primary Education,, Psychological and Pedagogical Faculty, Transbaikal State University

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Abstract. Introduction. The article substantiates the research relevance of the problem of a country’s national security dependence on the childhood value potential, which is formed in modern socio-cultural conditions. The purpose of the research is to determine the essence of the childhood value potential, its relevant characteristics as one of the conditions for ensuring national security. The author analyzes the threats to Russia’s national security, which, among other things, lie in the sphere of influence on the modern childhood value potential and the imposition of values and worldview positions on the children’s community that contradict traditional Russian spiritual and moral values. The research is based on the assumption that the childhood value potential will act as a strategic resource of the country’s national security if, functionally, childhood is the bearer of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values and will be ready to reproduce the value foundations of the future society.

Materials and Methods. The methodological basis of the research was the axiological, sociocultural, and interdisciplinary approaches. General logical research methods (analysis, synthesis, generalization, analogy, modeling, etc.) were used for the purposes of the research. These methods ensured the complexity, consistency, and integrity of the research subject presentation and the possibility of forming the author’s view and scientific substantiation of the main aspects of the research.

Results. As a result of the research, the author substantiates the dependence of the country’s national security on the childhood value potential, as a promising problem for scientific development. The author’s definition of the concept of “childhood value potential” in the context of current and future semantic understanding is proposed in the following interpretation: the childhood value potential is the childhood axiosphere in the set of value orientations, needs, motives, and forms of behavior and activity based on traditional Russian spiritual and moral values, which is being transformed in the process of growing up (moving towards the world of adults) into a Russian society valuable resource and determining the sustainability, efficiency, and security of national development in the future. The author considers modern educational trends and practices that purposefully ensure the consolidation of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values in the children’s community to be systemic measures of influence on the childhood value potential.

Discussion and conclusion. The results obtained indicate the need for further study of the childhood value potential as a strategic resource for Russia’s national security. The materials and results of the research can be used for the scientific development of childhood problems, the methodology of education, as well as the training and retraining of teaching staff.

Keywords: childhood, values, value potential, spiritual and moral values, security strategy, education

For citation: Shibanova N.M. The Childhood Value Potential in the Context of the National Security Strategy. Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2023; 17 (2):145-159. (In Russ.). DOI:


UDС: 37.017

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