Identification of Problems of Continuity between Preschool and Primary General Education


Lyudmila N. Babintseva, Candidate of Sciences (Psychology), Head of the Department of Primary and Preschool Education,, Institute for the Development of Education of Irkutsk Region

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Abstract. Introduction. The article is devoted to the identification of problems of continuity between preschool and primary general education in Irkutsk region. The method of solving the problems of continuity between preschool and primary general education in Irkutsk region is described.

Methods. A questionnaire was compiled to identify the relevant problems of continuity between preschool and primary general education.

Results. Based on the results of the questionnaire, the main problems of continuity between primary and preschool education in educational organizations of Irkutsk region have been identified.

Conclusion. The analysis of the survey conducted among teachers of preschool educational institutions and primary schools showed that the main problems of continuity between preschool and primary general education are the following: insufficient competence of parents in preparing for the transition from kindergarten to school; psychological unpreparedness of parents (anxiety) for the transition of a child from kindergarten to school; lack of interaction between school and kindergarten teachers on continuity issues; and other problems directly related to the activities of preschool and general education organizations on continuity issues. In addition, a tendency to shift the problems of continuity between preschool and primary general education by teachers and management personnel of preschool and general education institutions to each other was revealed. To solve the problems of continuity between preschool and primary education, a regional project “Regional School of Mentors “Continuity between preschool and primary general education: from idea to practice” has been developed.

Keywords: continuity between preschool and primary general education; tasks of continuity between preschool and primary general education; problems of continuity between preschool and primary general education; regional project

For citation: Babintseva L.N. Identification of Problems of Continuity between Preschool and Primary General Education. Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2023; 17 (2):218-226. (In Russ.). DOI:


UDС: 159.9+373.2

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