Indicators of the Emotional Well-Being of Preschool Students


Maria D. Kukushkina, Deputy Director for Innovation and Strategic Development of the Education System of the Nevsky District, Methodologist of the Information and Methodological

Center of the Nevsky District of St. Petersburg,, Author ID in RSCI: 40449722, SPIN-code: 5228-2831

42 Babushkina St, bldg. 4, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 192171, tel.: +7 (812) 5601306, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Abstract. Introduction. The article is devoted to the study of the indicators of emotional well-being as well as the ideas of preschool teachers about the indicators of the emotional well-being of preschoolers. Based on a theoretical analysis, a definition of the emotional well-being of a preschooler is proposed, and its components conditioned by the age characteristics and needs of a student in the senior group of kindergarten are identified. A survey was conducted to identify the ideas of preschool teachers about the importance of indicators of the emotional well-being of preschoolers. The purpose of the article is to consider the structure of the emotional well-being of a preschooler, identify the components and indicators of emotional well-being, and share ideas about them among preschool teachers.

Materials and methods. The following methods were used in the course of the study: a generalizing analysis of scientific, research and methodological literature on the issues of the emotional well-being of a preschooler, statistical analysis of the survey results, content analysis.

Results. The indicators of the emotional well-being of a preschooler at the emotional, cognitive, and behavioral levels are proposed using a theoretical analysis of the scientific literature. We carried out an empirical study of the ideas of preschool teachers, which made it possible to determine the most significant, according to the teachers, indicators of the emotional well-being of a preschooler.

Conclusion. The conducted study allows us to conclude that the specific structure of the emotional well-being of a preschooler is determined, on the one hand, by the satisfaction of such age-related needs as the need for security, friendly communication, and a positive assessment of the child’s personality by others and themselves, and on the other hand, by such factors and  characteristics of the social environment as the acceptance of the child by the children’s team, the strategies of communication and conflict resolution adopted in the group. The ideas of teachers about the structure of the emotional well-being of a preschooler includeindicators related to both the emotional and behavioral, and cognitive spheres of the child’s personality. The lack of unity in educators’ understanding of the significance of indicators of the behavioral and cognitive spheres indicates the need to include knowledge about the indicators of emotional well-being in the content of psychological education for preschool teachers, as well as the inclusion of measures to form ideas about the indicators of emotional well-being of a preschooler at the emotional, cognitive and behavioral levels. These studies will be useful not only in the development of a system of activities aimed at informing and psychologically educating teachers but also in the formation of plans for group and individual preventive and psycho-corrective work of educational psychologists aimed at forming and maintaining the emotional well-being of preschoolers.

Keywords: emotional well-being of a preschooler, age-related needs of a preschooler, psychological health of a preschooler, preschool educational institution

For citation: Kukushkina M.D. Indicators of Emotional Well-Being of Preschool Students. Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2023; 17 (2): 261-272 (In Russ.). DOI:


UDС: 37.015.31

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