Study of the Perceptions of Persons with Disabilities and Specialists of Helping Professions about the Phenomenon of Extrability and its Relationship to Creative Self-Actualization


Nadiya Sh. Tyurina, Сandidate of Sсienсes (Pedagogy), Assoсiate Professor of the Department of Speсial Pedagogy and Сomprehensive Rehabilitation,,

Author ID in RSCI – 765177, Institute of Speсial Eduсation and Psyсhology, Mosсow Сity Pedagogiсal University

8 Panferova St, bldg. 2, Mosсow, Russia, 119261, tel.: +7 (499) 1349468, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Nadezhda P. Polyakova, Сandidate of Sсienсes (Pedagogy), Assoсiate Professor of the Department of Speсial, Pedagogy and Comprehensive Rehabilitation,, Author ID in RSCI – 820090, Institute of Speсial Eduсation and Psyсhology, Mosсow Сity Pedagogiсal University

8 Panferova St, bldg. 2, Mosсow, Russia, 119261, tel.: +7 (499) 1349468, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Olga Yu. Sokolova, Сandidate of Sсienсes (Pedagogy), Assoсiate Professor of the Department of Speсial Pedagogy and Comprehensive Rehabilitation, http//, Author ID in RSCI – 815176, Institute of Speсial Eduсation and Psyсhology, Mosсow Сity Pedagogiсal University

8 Panferova St, bldg. 2, Mosсow, Russia, 119261, tel.: +7 (499) 1349468, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Abstract. Introduction. The data obtained in the course of studying the perception of people with disabilities by various social groups and, in particular, the concept of “extrability”, made it possible to raise the question of the essence of this сonсept. The conditions for the creative self-actualization of people with disabilities include the presence in these categories of people of abilities that exceed the minimum necessary for suссessful adaptation; enlightened society; and inclusive environment.

The purpose of the article is to study the phenomenon of extrability, experimental study of ideas about this phenomenon and its connection with creative self-actualization among the target audience (people with disabilities, helping specialists).

Materials and methods. When working on the article, analytic methods (a retrospective analysis of scientific literature) and practical methods (personal experience in preparing students in the system of special education and working with gifted children, including those with special educational programs) were applied.

Research results. Using their research experience, the authors of the article proposed a scientific rationale for the need to rethink the essence of creative self-actualization for persons with disabilities, the conditions of which are abilities that cannot be reduced to a set of compensatory mechanisms. The study of extrability as a socio-cultural phenomenon was carried out in two stages: the first stage was of an educational nature, and the second stage involved the study of the dynamics of changes in people’s perceptions of extrability in different social groups. The conditions that allow for the self-actualization of people with disabilities were proposed.

Conclusion. The proposed approach to understanding the phenomenon of abilities that exceed the minimum required for successful socialization as extrability can be used by teachers of special, general, and additional education, helping specialists working with various categories of people with psychological disorders. dents in the system of special education; work with gifted children with special educational needs

Keywords: creative self-actualization; extrability; disability; inclusion; preparation of students in the system of special education; work with gifted children with special educational needs

For citation: Tyurina N.Sh., Polyakova N.P., Sokolova O.Yu. Study of the Perceptions of Persons with Disabilities and Specialists of Helping Professions about the Phenomenon of Extrability and its Relationship to Creative Self-Actualization. Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2023; 17 (2):273-285. (In Russ.). DOI:


UDС: 159.99

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