Correctional and Pedagogical Work on the Formation of Social Behavior, Communication and Interaction Skills in Preschool Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders


Alexandra S. Brykova, Candidate of Sciences (Psychology), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of pedagogy and psychology of inclusive education,, Author ID 1142987, Institute of Inclusive Education, Maxim Tank Belarusian State Pedagogical University

18 Sovetskaya St, Minsk, Republic of Belarus, 220050, tel: +375 (17) 3112343, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Liliya Sh. Karimova, Candidate of Science (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy,, Author ID 730284, Institute of Psychology and Education, Kazan Federal University

18 Kremlyovskaya St, Kazan, Russia, 420008, tel: +7 (843) 2926151, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Abstract. The article presents the results of experimental work on the development and testing of the content, forms and methods of forming social behavior, communication and interaction skills in preschool children with autism spectrum disorders. The content of remedial classes in two directions “Formation of social behavior” and “Formation of communication and interaction skills” was tested; within each direction, several blocks were identified that provide children with autism spectrum disorders with advancement in the most difficult areas of socialization for them. The experimental activity took place in three stages: organizational-diagnostic, correctional-developmental, and reflexive-evaluative. In the course of the experimental activity, both traditional and specific teaching methods were used, taking into account the leading type of activity of the preschooler – the game. Positive dynamics in the development of communication skills, interaction and social behavior were noted. At the same time, the uneven development of skills was empirically determined: the greatest changes occurred in the areas of social awareness and social contact, while less significant changes occurred in the field of communication. This fact testifies to the heterogeneity of the levels of speech development in preschool children with autism spectrum disorders: from impaired understanding and a lack of use of verbal means of communication to the use of agrammatic speech or the use of both expressive and impressive speech. The empirical research data make it possible to plan not only remedial classes for the academic year but also to distribute programs of remedial classes in the preschool education institutions of the region and, based on the diagnostic results, to develop the content of correctional and developmental work during the transition from preschool education institutions to general secondary education institutions. The effectiveness of the completed work is also evidenced by the degree of satisfaction of teaching staff and legal representatives of children with autism, who noted the changes that occurred in the skills of social behavior, communication and interaction.

Keywords: remedial classes, integrated education and upbringing, a child with autism spectrum disorders; communication, autism, social behavior, interaction

For citation: Brykova A.S., Karimova L.Sh. Correctional and Pedagogical Work on the Formation of Social Behavior, Communication and Interaction Skills in Preschool Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2023; 17 (4): pp. 586-601 (In Rus.). DOI:


UDС: 376.4+373.21

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