The System of Work on the Formation of Genre Expectations in Literary Reading Lessons


Maria P. Voyushina, Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Professor,, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia

48 Moyka Emb, St. Petersburg, Russia,191186, tel: +7 (812) 3124492, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Abstract. Introduction. The relevance of the research is determined by the need for methodological science and school practice to seek ways to overcome the contradiction between the requirement to view a literary work as a unity of form and content and the objective difficulty of grasping the complicated concept of “genre” in primary school.

Materials and Methods include theoretical analysis of the genre specifics of works contained in the program of primary literary education and age-related features of the perception of a work of art by younger schoolchildren; pedagogical design, during which textbooks on literary reading for grades 1-4 were created; observation of the learning process according to these textbooks. The research vector is set by a critical analysis of current methodological sources on the issue of semantic reading and the schoolchildren’s acquisition of literary genres.

The results. The study of literary works in their genre specifics is a requirement of the Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education and one of the principles of organizing a school analysis of an artistic work. However, the insufficient development of the capacity for abstract thinking in younger schoolchildren creates challenges in mastering the concept of “genre”. The purpose of the propaedeutic work on familiarization with the genre specifics of the studied works is to establish genre expectations among young readers, which makes the reader’s perception more purposeful and aesthetically adequate. There are four stages in the methodology of forming genre expectations among novice readers:

1. Preschool childhood. Accumulation of reader’s impressions.

2. First grade. Observation of the specifics of works of one genre when reading works that are close in topic and problem and belong to the same genre; introduction of genre names (without definitions) into the child’s active vocabulary.

3. Second and third grades. Dialogue between closely related works in various genres that address similar issues. The process of conducting a comparative analysis through the observation of genre features and the intricacies of perception and analysis of works of many genres.

4. Fourth grade. Emergence of genre expectations; independent choice of analysis techniques determined by the generic and genre-specific qualities of works, as well as their individual characteristics.

Keywords: literary reading, textbook, younger schoolchild, genre expectations, comparative analysis, dialogue

For citation: Voyushina M.P. The System of Work on the Formation of Genre Expectations in Literary Reading Lessons. Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2024; 18 (2): pp. 149-161 (In Rus.). DOI:


UDС: 372.882

The article was submitted to the editorial office on 20.03.2024, approved after review on 08.04.2024, and accepted for publication on 10.04.2024.

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