Forming the Readiness of Teachers to Implement the Main Ideas of the Federal State Educational Standards of General Education in the Process of Advanced Training


Maxim A. Kostenko, Acting. Director, Candidate of Sciences (Sociology),, Institute for Strategy of Education Development

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The research problem and justification for its relevance. The problem of scientific and methodological support for teachers of general education in the conditions of the updated Federal State Educational Standards and Federal Basic General Education Programs in the context of the unified education environment throughout the Russian Federation is becoming more urgent. Postgraduate professional training in pedagogy is considered a solution to the problem of the formation of modern teachers’ special knowledge and skills in the field of implementing federal work programs and designing work programs for advanced study of the subject. Purpose of the study is to characterize the structural and substantive features of the professional development program, which reveals the features of the implementation of the Federal Basic General Education Programs and ensures the formation of teachers’ special knowledge and skills necessary to work in accordance with the updated Federal State Educational Standards. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the development of an approach to the formation of the content of the invariant module of the professional development program, revealing the features of the implementation of the Federal Basic General Education Programs.

Methodology (materials and methods). The article presents theoretical methods consisting in the analysis of regulatory documents, methodological materials on the implementation of the updated Federal State Educational Standards and Federal Basic General Education Programs, professional retraining and advanced training programs for teaching staff and management personnel. The basis of the study is the provisions of the system-activity and competency-based approaches that form the methodological framework of the main regulatory documents defining the requirements for a modern teacher.

Research results. The approach to the formation of the content of an invariant module of the professional development program revealing the features of the implementation of the Federal Basic General Education Programs is presented. Online services have been described for teachers and management teams of educational organizations. The results of the study allow us to conclude that it is required to include the resource of non-formal and informal education in order to systematically solve the problem of developing teachers’ readiness to implement the ideas of the updated Federal State Educational Standards. The theoretical significance of the study lies in the development of the approach to the formation of the content of the invariant module of the professional development program revealing the features of the implementation of the Federal Basic General Education Programs. The practical significance of the study stems from the potential to use the presented approach to the formation of the content of the invariant module of the professional development program, revealing the features of the implementation of the Federal Basic General Education Programs, as well as the online services to form the readiness of teachers to execute the ideas of the updated Federal State Educational Standards in the framework of additional education.

Keywords: teacher, educational programs, readiness to implement the Federal State Educational Standard, professional development training, non-formal and informal education

For citation: Kostenko M.A. Forming the Readiness of Teachers to Implement the Main Ideas

of the Federal State Educational Standards of General Education in the Process of Advanced

Training. Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2024; 18 (3): pp. 381-394 (In Rus.). DOI:


UDС: 371.14

The article was submitted to the editorial office on 01.07.2024, approved after review on

25.08.2024, and accepted for publication on 30.08.2024.

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