On the Unity of Differentiation and Integration in the General Education Content


Тatyana V. Sukhanova, Candidate of Sciences (Pedagogy), Deputy Director for Scientific and Methodological Work of Educational Technologies PRO LLC, Prosveshcheniye Group, https://orcid.org/0009-0004-0570-4899, AuthorID: 1137550

16 Krasnoproletarskaya St, bldg. 3, entrance 8, Moscow, Russia, 127473, tel: +7 (495) 7893040,

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Olga S. Ponomareva, Marketing Director, JSC Prosveshcheniye Publishing House, https://orcid.org/0009-0009-1629-5708

16 Krasnoproletarskaya St, bldg 3, entrance 8, Moscow, Russia, 127473, tel: +7 (495) 7893040,

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Abstract. Introduction. The structure of the general education content in Russia is traditionally built on the basis of the system of school subjects. The scientific problem is to determine the justified ways of selecting the content of education based on the subject approach. The purpose of the article is to identify the determinants of the selection of the general education content based on the principle of the unity of differentiation and integration.

Materials and methods. The methodological basis is a systematic approach. Methods of theoretical analysis of scientific sources, scientific and pedagogical literature, analysis of normative documentation, and a method of descriptive analysis of the practice of selecting educational content were used.

Results. The unity of differentiation and integration in the selection of the general education content is determined by the goals of general education; ideas about the content of education at the general theoretical (“pre-subject”) level; patterns of development of the cultural and social experience of mankind; achievements of the sciences about man in terms of his ability to receive an education; characteristic for the school forms of organization of the educational process and methods of teaching and upbringing. The ambivalence of the processes of differentiation and integration and the importance of their unification for matching the general education content with the modern image of the value-target result are shown.

The processes of differentiation and integration in the content of education as a subsystem of the education system are supported by three groups of connections: 1) substantive connections among branches of science, spheres of culture and art, areas of human activity, which together represent the cultural experience of mankind and make up the pre-subject content of education; 2) operational-activity connections between the levels of general education and groups of planned results of general education; 3) organizational and methodological connections between the forms and methods of organizing the educational process.

Discussion and Conclusion. The article contributes to the discussion of conceptual approaches to the selection of general education content, to ensuring differentiation of the content of education in the conditions of a single educational space; in the development of methodological foundations for the development of software and methodological materials and teaching aids.

Keywords: educational content, integration, differentiation, objectification, school subject, school

For citation: Sukhanova T.V., Ponomareva O.S. On the Unity of Differentiation and Integration in the General Education Content. Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2024; 18 (4). Pp. 441-453. (In Russ.). DOI: https://doi.org/10.32343/2409-5052-2024-18-4-441-453

DOI: https://doi.org/10.32343/2409-5052-2024-18-4-441-453

UDС: 371.214

The article was submitted to the editorial office on 15.11.2024, approved after review on 05.12.2024, and accepted for publication on 08.12.2024.

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