Educational Content of the Telegram Messenger as a tool to Improve the Eff ectiveness of the Educational Process


Olga A. Belykh, Doctor of Sciences (Biology), Professor of the Department of Aquatic Bioresources and Aquaculture, ORCID:, Baikal State University

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Abstract. Introduction. Chemistry is one of the last academic subjects introduced into the educational process, which completes the natural science picture of the world in high school. Although chemistry is one of the least popular subjects chosen for the Unifi ed State Exam, it causes the greatest phobias among students. Since the quality of the subject assimilation in general determines the degree of success in the student’s cognitive activity and professional orientation, the publication aims to consider the efficiency of the educational chemistry content when used in the Telegram messenger.

Materials and methods. A pedagogical experiment was conducted using additional educational chemistry content on the Telegram channel “Chemistry – elementary”. The research relied on the competence-based and environmental approaches, which contributed to the individual success of the child in the simulated educational space.

Research results. The findings revealed that the pandemic and the transition to distance education technologies increased the need for didactic materials in chemistry. The use of additional educational chemistry content in Telegram messenger showed a positive effect on the quality of knowledge about chemistry. During the experiment, academic performance and cognitive activity in the subject rose.

Conclusion. The results obtained made it possible to substantiate a high level of activity in the subject, and overcoming chemophobia. The organization of additional educational content through the Telegram channel in an accessible game form (quiz questions, puzzles) can serve as a factor increasing the effectiveness of the educational resource.

Keywords: educational content, methods of teaching chemistry, distance technologies, pedagogical experiment, Telegram channel, Telegram messenger

For citation: Belykh O. A. Educational Content of the Telegram Messenger as a tool to Improve the Effectiveness of the Educational Process. Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2021; 15(3): 284-292. DOI: 10.32343/2409-5052-2021-15-3-284-292 (In Russ.).

UDС: 372.854+004

DOI: 10.32343/2409-5052-2021-15-3-284-292

The article was submitted 03.06.2021, approved after reviewing 05.08.2021, accepted for publication 08.09.2021.


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