Ideas About the Professional Activity of Adults at the Level of Special Primary Education


Raisa A. Afanasyeva, Candidate of Sciences (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, ORCID:, Irkutsk State University

1 K. Marx St, Irkutsk, Russia, 664003, tel.: +7 (3952) 242238, kaf_pipsoiv

Abstract. Introduction. The level of primary education is a significant stage in the development of children with disabilities. The possibilities of visual activity in work on building the ideas about the professional activities of adults in younger schoolchildren of this category have prospects for study.

Materials and methods. The research applies the methods of theoretical analysis, pedagogical experiment, and pedagogical analysis. The assessment of the level of ideas about professional activity relies on the methods developed by N. S. Pryazhnikov. The method designed by E. A. Strebeleva is used to identify specific features of the ideas of children with disabilities. Results. The results of the use of the above methods enabled us to reveal the specific features of ideas about the professional activity of adults at the level of primary special education. The developed methodological recommendations make it possible to form integral ideas about the professional activity of adults.

Conclusion. The phased work carried out at the level of primary education with children with disabilities gave a comprehensive immersion in the system of correctional education measures.

Keywords: visual activity, disabilities, professional activity of adults, level of primary education

For citation: Afanasyeva R. A. Ideas About the Professional Activity of Adults at the Level of Special Primary Education. Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2021; 15(3): 305-313. DOI: 10.32343/2409-5052-2021-15-3-305-313 (In Russ.).

UDС: 376.3

DOI: 10.32343/2409-5052-2021-15-3-305-313

The article was submitted 14.06.2021, approved after reviewing 25.07.2021, accepted for publication 07.09.2021.


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