№ 2, 2016
Kazarina V. V., Terentyeva L. V., Fomina T. M.
Identifying and developing the abilities of gifted children via organization the Olympiad movement in Irkutsk region
Abstract. The article describes the experience of identifying gifted children in Irkutsk region, organization of the regional stage of All-Russian Olympiad for School Students and sums up the outcomes of the Olympiad in 2016. The authors analyse the organization of students’ systematic training for participating in the Olympiad and the Regional summer school for students who are the winners of the Regional and All-Russian Olympiads.
Keywords: gifted children, development of giftedness, All-Russian Olympiad for School Students, Olympiad movement, training activities.
Ustyugova O. B.
Independent evaluation of quality of activity of educational institutions and municipal educational systems in Irkutsk region
Abstract. The article is devoted to the description of the research of efficiency of municipal educational systems of Irkutsk region within the framework of the independent evaluation of quality of educational activities of organizations providing social services.
Keywords: independent evaluation of quality, assessment of educational activities, rating, customers’ satisfaction, management decisions.
Anikeva N. V.
Problems and prospects of art education
Abstract. The article indicates the problem of art education in Russian schools, shows the relevance and importance of artistic and aesthetic subjects in Russian education system. The opportunities and prospects of various forms of cooperation between educational and cultural organizations are described. The author draws attention to raising the status of teachers of aesthetic subjects at school.
Keywords: artistic and aesthetic area, art education, creativity, culture, music, art.
Kulekhova A. M.
Social aspects of bilingualism in Pribaikalie
Abstract. The article deals with the social aspects of bilingualism, history and functioning of the Buryat-Russian bilingualism in Pribaikalie.
Keywords: bilingualism, Buryat-Russian bilingualism, Buryat language, Russian language.
Hegai V. V.
The problem of ethnic and cultural diversity of rural schools
Abstract. The article considers the problem of ethnic and cultural diversity. The
author analyzes a number of issues related to adaptation of migrants. Particular
attention is paid to formulating problems which rural schools face.
Keywords: rural school, ethnic and cultural diversity, tolerance, migration.
Kuznetsova M. V.
To the issue about women’s education in Irkutsk. Girls’ Institute – the first secondary educational institution for girls in Eastern Siberia
Abstract. This article deals with the history of development of the first secondary educational institution for girls in Eastern Siberia – Institute for Girls. It is based on the archival records and memoirs. The author presents the materials of the State Historical Archives of Russia, the State Archives of Irkutsk Region and the memoirs of Bogodarova A.V. – a graduate of Institute for Girls.
Keywords: the history of education, Institute for girls, teachers, education, life in the Institute.
Yakimenko R. V., Ermolaeva E. N.
Axiological aspect as a leading principle of selection of literary heritage of Russian emigre at school
Abstract. This article discusses one of the topical and complicated problems not only of didactics, but the modern theory and methodology of teaching literature at school as well - realization of axiological aspect during the process of students’ value-semantic sphere development based on the spiritual and moral education through a holistic study of literature of Russian emigre. The components and basic concepts of value-semantic sphere are determined. The materials of the article can be used by school teachers, lectures of high and vocational schools, students of the Faculty of Philology
Keywords: axiological aspect in education, students’ value-semantic sphere, literature of Russian emigre, methods of teaching Literature of Russian emigre.
Torunova N. I., Kapustina A. N.
Texts of the literary style: linguistic and linguodidactic aspects
Abstract. The article deals with the text of the literary style as a kind of academic text. These texts help students learn the culture of the country of studied language, involving them into what the human moral and aesthetic values are. Reading authentic literary texts contributes to the development of foreign language students’ communicative competence.
Keywords: the text of the literary style, genuinely authentic text, educational authentic texts, tekstoteka, metatext, communicative task, adaptation, reduction, compression.
Kim M. V.
The cultural aspects of teaching literature
Abstract. This paper focuses on the role of cultural aspects in literary education. The necessity to create an integrated system of studying the foreign poetry of the 20th century at the final stage of school literary education is revealed and substantiated.
Keywords: cultural aspect, globalization, foreign literature, axiological sphere.
Khlamov E. V.
Recursive graphics in school informatics
Abstract. In the article the notion of recursion and its examples in different spheres of knowledge are concerned. The author proves the effectiveness of recursion as a means of schoolchildren algorithmic way of thinking. The recursive algorithms of making well-known geometric fractals as didactic elements of School course of Informatics are described.
Keywords: Informatics, recursion, fractal, algorithm, programme, Pascal
language, graphic commands.
Valyushina N. M.
Virtual communicative professionally-oriented education environment as a means of improving effectiveness of distance learning
Abstract. In the article the main components and characteristics of the virtual communicative professionally-oriented education environment created by the author are considered. Its necessity, importance of creating and using for organization of teachers professional development in distance are described.
Keywords: virtual communicative professionally-oriented education environment, professional development, distance learning.
Kim M. Ts.
Formation of professional competencies the first year students (specialty ‘‘Tourism’’) at the English classes
Abstract. The article is focused on the actual problem of using of interdisciplinary connections and the implementing the innovative methods, forms and technologies of teaching during the process of formation of students’ professional competencies at the English classes in educational institutions of secondary vocational education (specialty “Tourism”). This material can be used by teachers, lectures of vocational and higher education.
Keywords: competency, competence, formation of professional competencies, interdisciplinary connections, innovative methods and technologies of teaching.
Khakhulina L. K.
Intercultural professional communicative competence as a philosophical and pedagogical problem
Abstract. The article considers the professional intercultural communicative competence as a component of professional competence of students of higher educational institutions. The author of the article proved the main contradictions in contemporary education and the relevance of mastering by future specialists the intercultural professional competence.
Keywords: professional intercultural communicative competence; education content of education, culture.
Domra Y. M.
International Olympiad in tourism and service as a form of intercultural interaction between undergraduate students of specialty “Tourism and Service”
Abstract. The article deals with one of the key types of extracurricular activities – Olympiad, its main characteristics are given. International Olympiad in tourism and service is presented as a form of intercultural interaction of students and teachers. A brief description, main directions of the process of preparing and holding of the Olympic Games are presented.
Keywords: extracurricular activiti, subject Olympiads, intercultural communication, communicative competency.
Mukhin I. V.
Role of employers in training specialists of secondary vocational education (case of College PTC SahGU)
Abstract. The article shows the role of educational institutions’ integration in training specialists. The main types of joint activities (case of College PTK SakhGU in 2013–2016) are shown.
Keywords: professional competence, social partnership «college-enterprise», ways to increase the efficiency of interaction between the college and employers.
Afanasyeva R. A., Shatalina E. G.
Approaches to Creating Programmes for Preschool Institutions with Inclusive Educational Environment ‘‘Design-based Robotic Designer MRT 1 (GOMA BRAIN A) for 5–6 Years Old Children’’
Abstract. The article describes approaches to creating programmes for teaching 5-6 years old mentally healthy children, children with mental retardation and mild mental retardation design using Robotic designer MRT 1 (GOMA BRAIN A). A brief description of the programme’s modules is given.
Keywords: robotic engineering, programme for institutions, inclusive educational environment, children with disabilities, educational kit MRT 1 (GOMA BRAIN A).
Kuchergina O. V.
Common discourse space of boarding school as a means of socialization of schoolchildren with intellectual disability.
Abstract. The article concerns the main approaches to organization of common discourse space in educational institution for orphans and children left without parental care with intellectual disabilities.
Keywords: inclusive education, students with disabilities, mental retardation (intellectual disability), socialization of schoolchildren, common discourse space.
Starodubtseva G. A.
The problem of psychological readiness of a teacher to innovative activity and the ways of its solving
Abstract. The article deals with the problem of psychological readiness of a teacher to innovative activity, factors and conditions of its formation, the acquisition of personal meaning of work in new conditions.
Keywords: personal meaning, psychological readiness for innovation, factors that determine the psychological readiness for innovation.