




Zhadanov S. N., Kudashkina Y. K.

The financial literacy of a head of the educational institution



Abstract. The modern model of financial provision of educational institutions required new approaches to the financial resources management. The proficiency in correct redistributing and efficient spending the budget funds, maintaining the financial stability of the organization forms a new level of financial literacy of the manager in the field of education.

Keywords: financial literacy, the model of financial provision, the plan for financial and economic activities, budgetary funds, income-generating activities, management decisions.


Igumnova E. A.

Continuity in development of junior school students’ and teenagers’ creative activity in the work of children’s union “Forest country”



Abstract. In the article the experience of solving the problem of continuity of development of junior school students’ and teenagers’ creative activity in the work of Children’s union – forestry “Forest country”. This innovative project was implemented in city educational space of Chita through the integration of general and additional education.

Keywords: children union, the principle of continuity, creative activity, junior school student, teenager.

Kosogova A. S.

Methodological aspects of up-bringing in Modern School



Abstract. In the methodological aspects of education of the young generation in the informational society are considered. The author defines the most meaningful lines of upbringing: identity, safety and health, freedom and responsibility, equality and social justice. The analysis of the process of creative self-expression as an efficient tool of upbringing is given.

Keywords: education, informational society, creative self-expression, identity, freedom, responsibility, justice and equality

Sosnovskaya I. V.

Emotional and aesthetic concept of the literature lesson by R. F. Brandesov



Abstract. Now it’s necessary look for the most effective approaches to organizing the learning process at the Literature classes.  In the article the experience of the well-known scholar, specialist in teaching methods R. F. Brandesov is considered. The attention is paid to such thesis of his Lesson Concept as a preparation to classes, directing of a lesson, emotional peaks and emotional resonance of a Literature lesson. Correlating it to the present technological and pragmatic educational situation in teaching Literature it’s possible to say that the experience of its emotional comprehension can be useful for the modern language and literature teacher.

Keywords: flesson’s construct, artistic perception, emotional script, emotional and aesthetic  experience, approach, emotional resonance

Bashelkhanov A. Y.

“Difficult questions of Russian history” in the historical and cultural standard: theoretical aspect



Abstract. An article about "difficult questions of history of Russia" contained in the Historical and cultural standard, which is the scientific core of the Russian school education. "Hard questions" are relevant for the Russian historical science. The article presents a brief analysis of the answers to "difficult questions of Russian history" on the basis of a new Concept of teaching materials for Russian history, new textbooks on Russian history, knowledge of the author. In conclusion, the author summarizes the results of the analysis.

Keywords: history, concept, historical-cultural standard, "hard questions", textbooks.

Darmaeva А. D.

The ways of improving the ethnic and cultural education system in the educational institutions of Irkutsk region



Abstract. The article deals with the problems, status and prospects of ethnic and cultural education in the municipal districts of Irkutsk region that include using the educational potential of ethnic culture in educational process; the efficiency of multicultural education problems solving; the formation of national identity. The author offers some ways of improving the system of ethnic and cultural education in educational institutions of Irkutsk region.

Keywords: ethnic and cultural education, ethnic and cultural educational environment, Association of ethnic and cultural educational organizations.

Zhila G. Yu.

Individual project as one of the forms of state final examination of the secondary school graduates (the case of gymnasium № 3, Irkutsk)



Abstract. The article examines the results of project activities in the school and the specifics of creating projects as a resource for the formation of universal educational activities. The author also tells about the testing of one of the forms of the final examination for the 9-th grade students

Keywords: metasubject results, project activity in educational organization

Samsonova N. V.

Intertextual competence as an index of reading sufficiency of a secondary school graduate



Abstract. In the article it has been argued that the intertextual connections found in two parallel literary works should be the interesting both a language and literature teacher and a high-school reader from the point of view of text production and text perception. The author proves the feasibility of using intertextual approach to the literary text analysis. It requires not only the purposeful choice of the literary works but including every lesson to the thought-out methodological system which provides the formation of the senor students’ intertextual competence.

Keywords: intertextuality, intertextual approach to the literary works analysis, intertextual thesaurus,  intertextual elements, intertextual competence.



Timoshenko A. I., Dorofeeva M. S.

Students’ cognitive barriers in secondary vocational education



Abstract.  The article examines the stages of appearing the cognitive barriers in the system of vocational education. The authors of article define three types of difficulties which students meet at the beginning of their study. The analysis of the theoretical resources allowed to conclude that using the pedagogical methods described in this paper would help overcome those difficulties.

Keywords: fvocational education, barriers, cognitive barriers.

Torunova N. I., Sharunov A. I.

On some problems of decomposition of the requirements of federal state education standards of higher education


Abstract. The article presents one of the topical and complex problems of modern national education – the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher education (FSES HE) in the process of training bachelors in Pedagogical Education as Major. A retrospective analysis of the standards development within several generations is on the focus of the article. The materials of publication can be interesting to the managers of all the levels of the education system as well as to university teachers.

Keywords: retrospective analysis of standards development, FSES  decomposition, professional competences in pedagogical activity, comments to FSES HE.

Sukhanova E. A., Zobnina A. A.

The educational potential of inter-organizations networking (the case of the schools and university interaction)


Abstract. The article describes the organization experience of the networking between Tomsk State University (TSU) and high schools in Tomsk region. The article is devoted to the educational potential identification in the practice of inter-organizations interaction. The author presents the results and effects of network educational programs (NEP) implemented by the University and partner schools. The research methodology is based on the humanitarian approach to the educational innovations analysis and management (G. N. Prozumentova scientific school, Tomsk). The educational potential of the NEP development and implementation includes the constructive communication of the participants, their individual initiative, and significance of joint activities, funds, standards and products generation. The research results allowed to detect the educational potential of the inter- organizations networking and to identify the using and amplification conditions for the solution of pressing education problems.

Keywords: inter-organizations networking, education potential, open educational space, public education, network programs, soft skills, competence.

Stepanov S. A., Antropyanskaya L. N.

The organization of the high school students’ project activity via network: the university’s expert opinion


Abstract. The article touches upon the issue of contents and quality of the school students’ project activity. Authors offer to solve the problem of quality by using the resources of network interaction and by the involvement of scientists, teachers and students for the organization and examination of the school students’ projects. The networking experience of Tomsk state University and high schools of Tomsk region shows that joint activity of teachers and representatives of TSU, creating the interactive environment on the web-site and competitive mechanisms can not only increase the quality of project but also make them a resource for building of individual educational trajectories.

Keywords: project activity, project method, networking, supporting, individua- lization, competences

Patlina A. S., Popova  E. D.

Networking of the universities and schools as a condition for forming students’ soft skills


Abstract. The article is devoted to the argumentation of the possibilities of forming and developing the students’ soft skills while working with high-school students. The article presents the main approaches to the “soft skills” definition in the Russian and foreign literature. The authors describe the project «Pedagogical team “raid”» in the inter-organizations networking between Tomsk State University (TSU) and general education system. This project focused on preparing students for working at school. The analysis of the project results showed that the inter- organization programs allowed detecting the potential of the University and school networking in the context of the impact on the students’ soft skills development.

Keywords: soft skills, competence, interdisciplinary competence, inter- organizations networking, networking programs, University.



Kozlov V. V.

 The human’s aggression: psychological analysis  


Abstract. In the article the author reveals the psychological nature of aggression. In the paper the author's definition of aggression is given, the main methods of test studies of aggression and their limitations are listed. Particular attention is paid to the objects of aggression, as well as to the forms and kinds of its manifestation. The article analyzes the causes of aggression: physical, material, social, spiritual and the particular conditions of aggression manifestation.


Keywords: aggression, personality, consciousness, behavior, activity, object, need, body, frustration.



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