




Mizova M. Kh.

Typical difficulties and ways of methodological assistance to the educational organizations heads in mastering the humanitarian strategy of management



Abstract. This article examines the process of mastering the humanitarian strategies for the management by the educational organizations heads. The criteria and indicators of readiness of a head to master the humanitarian management strategies are described; the typical difficulties that are faced by leaders of educational organizations are identified. The author presents four levels of mastering the humanitarian strategy for the management of the educational organization. It is concluded that different ways of perception the material defines the various difficulties; we can find some regularity, showing that each level of mastering requires the different kinds of assistance.

Keywords: humanitarian management strategy, head of the educational institution, the typical difficulties, patterns.

Skavitin A. V.  

Professional standard of a teacher: implementation in educational organization



Abstract. The article analyzes the experience of the author's interaction with teachers of Irkutsk region in the framework of seminars on the introduction of professional standards. The typical attitudes and moods of the contact audience are revealed. The sequential steps of introducing professional standards into the practice of an educational organization are described.

Keywords: Professional standard, implementation, teacher, school, educational institution.

Tarasova N. V., Pastukhova I. P., Higrina S. G.

The continuity of educational technologies as a condition of implementing the gef general education



Abstract. The article reveals the essence of continuity of teaching technologies as conditions for implementing Federal state educational standard of general education. The authors consider the concept of "continuity in education", "educational technology", as well as justify and especially the continuity of educational technologies at various stages of general education on technology sample tjutorstva. The article is the result of the study and analysis of using the innovative educational technologies in schools in different regions of the Russian Federation in the process of introducing and implementing Federal state educational standard of primary and general basic education.

Keywords: Federal state educational standard of general education, secondary school, continuity in education, educational technology, tution technology.

Bykov A. S.

Pedagogical potential of social networks



Abstract. In the article the current trends of information interaction of the educational subjects via social media are analyzed. The author describes the statistics of usage the popular social networks in Russia by different criteria. The thesis about the necessity of social media using in the educational process is argued.

Keywords: informatization of education, social media, pedagogy, pedagogical interaction.

Pantjukhina N. N.  

Modeling the scientific-methodological accompaniment of implementing the state educational standard of general education on the basis of the process approach



Abstract. The article deals with the problem of modeling the scientific and methodological accompaniment of implementing the Federal state educational standard of general education, which is driven by the need to create conditions to ensure the effectiveness of the training and education of students at secondary school. The process approach in education is chosen as a methodological basis for creating the model. The author describes the main components of the process model of the scientific and methodological accompaniment of implementing the Federal state educational standard of general education: the aim, subjects, inputs, outputs, resources, and owners.

Keywords: Federal state educational standard of general education, secondary school, scientific-methodical support, process approach, process model.



Garashchenko L. V.  

School of N. V. Sukacheva in Irkutsk



Abstract. The article describes the history of creation and activity of the private women's school in Irkutsk which was opened and funded by N. V. Sukacheva for 34 years. Particular attention is paid to the organization of educational process there. Biographical information about individual teachers is included. The newly discovered information and facts, which fill the existing information gap, are introduced into the scientific circulation.

Keywords: history of education, philanthropy, private school, private education, educational process, N. V. Sukacheva, Irkutsk.



Benkovskaya T. Ye.  

The “new type” texts and the possibility of their use in the literary education of modern students


Abstract. In the article the author tries to analyze the difficulties of understanding and comprehension the traditional verbal linear texts by modern schoolchildren born in the Internet era. The author takes into consideration the features of their thinking focused on the perception of visualized information. The definition of "new type" texts and the possibility of their use as a resource for attracting schoolchildren to read is presented. It includs textbooks, focused on the specifics of the modern teenagers’ thinking.

Keywords: centennial, generation Z, the texts of "new nature", "new literacy", "clip thinking", modern literary education.

Korbut A. Yu.

The letter causing problems


Abstract. In the article the problems caused by the Russian letter Ё are comprehensively analyzed. The author presents the analysis of graphical, orthographical, methodical and cultural aspects of the problem. The historical analysis of the Ё-letter introduction in the Russian graphical system let us identify the causes of facultative use of the letter. The particular attention is given to the process how the letter Ё effects actions of reading and writing. The understanding delay caused by substitution of the letter Ё by the letter E is detected. The author brings out the problems of using the letter Ё in school-books and in publications for children and teenagers and proposes the efficient way of solving the problem in educational process.

Keywords: alphabet, the letter Ё, phonic consistency of the word, graphic consistency of the word, meaning of the letter, function of the letter, reading, writing.

Arskaya Yu. A., Mamedov A. A.

Poetry grammar analysis as an instrument of teaching its interpretation (the case of S. A. Yesenin’s “small” poems)


Abstract. The paper proposes an approach to teaching poetry interpretation based on collation of lexical means and grammar analysis. Addresses and imperatives in S. A. Yesenin’s “small” poems are being investigated with the methods of statistic and semantic analysis that leads to the conclusion of the author’s prevailing dialogue with the poetics of his previous texts rather than with revolutionary events of 1917– 1919.

Keywords: teaching literary text analysis, statistic analysis, semantic analysis, author’s consciousness, address, imperative, S. А. Yesenin.



Afanasyeva R. A., Shelkunova O.V.

Possibilities of inclusive educational environment and family for improving the life quality of students with health limitations


Abstract. The article deals with the results of the research on possibilities of the educational environment and family for improving the life quality of students with health limitations.

Keywords: children with health limitations, educational environment, family raising a child with health limitations, improving the quality of life.



Petrova S. M., Petrova M. N.  

Interdisciplinary connections as a basis for increasing the professional competence of medical students NEFU


Abstract. The article deals with the problem of the modern state of higher education. The importance of establishing interdisciplinary connections in the educational process of future doctors is pointed out, and an orientation is put on the humanization of natural science education. The authors describe the events conducted by medical students of North-Eastern Federal University, reflecting their Interdisciplinary. Using the life and work of writers-doctors, A.P. Chekhov et. al, as an example the authors show various types of extracurricular activities of medical students (scientific and creative competitions, circle work, etc.). In connection with the 150th anniversary they give an analysis of the work «Doctor's notes» by V. V. Veresaev, a famous writer and physician, in the aspect of the spiritual and moral education of modern medical students.


Keywords: higher school, medical students, interdisciplinary connections, literature, doctors-writers, V.V. Veresaev.


Dimova E. V.

Pedagogical model of context-based teaching Basis of safety living in higher education


Abstract. The article describs the theoretical and methodological development of context-based teaching Basis of safety living in higher education. The article emphasizes the urgency of using competence approach for teaching Basis of safety living. The analysis of works in the field of contextual learning in higher education made it possible to form and present a pedagogical model of context-based teaching Basis of safety living which includes the following main components of the model: target, content and organizational. In the content, the basic and variable components are singled out. The main criteria for the formation of the safety living competence (cognitive, active, personal) are presented.


Keywords: safety living, pedagogical model, contextual training, competences, higher education.




Babintseva L. N.

 Development of socio-psychological competence as a resource for the prevention of “the emotional burnout” among teachers    


Abstract. The article deals with the role of socio-psychological competence in the prevention of the syndrome of “emotional burnout”, it describes such notions as “emotional burnout”, “socio-psychological competence”. The information about several characteristics of the trainings aimed to the development of some components of the socio-psychological competence.


Keywords: “emotional burnout”, professional “burnout”, socio-psychological competence, communicative competence, emotional stability, sociability, self-regulation of emotional states, self-regulation of the activity.



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