1. The scientific and practical journal “Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH / Pedagogical IMAGE” accepts articles, scientific reviews, and reports which are relevant to the subject of the journal.
2. The papers sent to the Editorial board should be original, up-to-date, contain scientific novelty. Plagiarism (wilful authorship appropriation) and incorrect rehashing are not allowed. They can be an argument for a manuscript rejection. To avoid plagiarism the author should be accurate in making citations and bibliographic references. Any kind of replication of the article or its parts is not permitted. The article should include only original scientific data. Articles are accepted for publication only if they haven’t been previously published or are not scheduled for publication in other scientific editions. If they were published previously, the Editorial board has the right to deny the author to the further cooperation.
3. All the articles submitted to the editors are checked for incorrect borrowings in the Anti-plagiarism system. In case of detection of excessive borrowing and any forms of plagiarism, including citations without quotation marks, paraphrasing or appropriating rights to others’ research, the editorial office acts in accordance with the rules of the International Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), “Journal Publication Ethics" ( It is against the rules to submit a manuscript, which is under consideration by another publication or an article that has been published in another journal. In this case, the published paper will be withdrawn from print.
4. The article must be of high quality characterized by substantive interest and broad appeal, methodological rigour and conceptual clarity. The scientific terms are clarified and explained if it is necessary. The style should be clear and logic.
5. The author is required to submit the manuscript to the Editorial board (the Institute of Education Development of Irkutsk Region, Krasnokazachiya St, 10-A, Irkutsk, 664007, Russia) in printed form on A4 paper and in electronic form (on CD, flash card, or send by e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Any handwritten applications are unacceptable. The “subject” in the e-mail letter should be written as “For publishing in the scientific and practice journal”.
6. In the accompanying letter it is recommended to specify the name of a journal column where to place an article (the names of the journal columns are here
7. Structural elements of the publication:
– indexes UDC (universal decimal classification) (in the top left corner; Times New Roman, kegl: 14);
– heading in Russian and English (succinct and informative; centre adjustment, no indentation, Times New Roman, kegl: 16, bold);
– author(s) information in Russian and English (Times New Roman, kegl: 14, italics);
– abstract of the article in Russian and English (Times New Roman, kegl: 12, italics, line spacing: 1,5, width adjustment, no indentation. The recommended abstract volume is 200–250 words);
– keywords in Russian and English (Times New Roman, kegl: 12, italics, line spacing: 1,5, width adjustment, no indentation);
– the main text of the article (see below);
– all contributors to the research are to be mentioned among the co-authors of the paper, if there are two or more authors (the actual contribution of each to the work on the paper should be formulated in Russian and English);
– approval of the final version of the manuscript (a certificate signed by author and all co-authors if all authors have read and approved the final version of the manuscript)
– the list of cited literature in Russian (see below)
– The section References contains all the sources in the list of cited literature, only in the Latinized form, arranged in accordance with the English alphabet. For transliteration, it is advisable to use the standard BSI (to make the BSI transliteration more convenient, it is possible to use, where this procedure occurs automatically). In addition, the translation of all the sources in the list of cited literature in English is required.
– acknowledgments in the Russian and English languages;
– reference to the grant in Russian and English (if necessary);
– a copyright sign (it is necessary to put a copyright sign on the bottom line of the first page of the paper, e.g. © I. I. Ivanov, 2022)
It’s recommended not to change the order of the above-mentioned parts of the paper.
8. The information about an author and each of the co-authors (if any) should include:
– surname, first name, patronymic name without abbreviations;
– scientific degree, academic rank;
– position, place of work which are written without abbreviations, the postal code and address of the institution, daytime phone number;
– contacts (postal code and address, e-mail, telephone number);
– Author ID in the Russian Index of Science Citation;
– Researcher ID, Scopus ID (при наличии).
9. The abstract should present the essence of the scientific problem described in the article, the goal and objectives of the research, the novelty, the main outcomes and conclusion. It should comprise the following sections:
1) Introduction: state the scientific problem and set goals;
2) Materials and Methods: provide enough information about the research object and describe how you performed your study;
3) Results: short description of the facts, data, etc. what was found in the course of this investigation;
4) Discussion and Conclusion: an indication of the practical significance and prospects of the research.
10. Keywords (not exceeding 15, inside the key phrase – not exceeding 9) should show the content of the article in the terms of the branch of science and research methods.
11. Requirements for the texts:
– the structure of the text should follow the logic description of the short introduction, the aim of research, the analysis of methodological approaches, research part, the system of evidence and arguments, scientific outcomes, conclusion, references;
– the main text of the article is to be presented according to a specific sequence:
1) Introduction: formulation of a scientific problem, setting of the goals of the article;
2) Literature Review: designation of the degree of the research of the problem, modern sources devoted to the topic under study;
3) Materials and Methods: provide enough information about the research object and describe how you performed your study;
4) Results: description of specific author's research results;
5) Discussion and Conclusion: presentation of the practical significance and prospects of the study.
Each of the 5 parts must begin with the above subheadings.
– the article should be not more than 0.5 standard publisher's signature (about 20 000 characters including spaces) including references, tables and not more than 4 illustrarions; questions related to the to the change of the volume are decided on an individual basis between the author (s) and the editorial staff
– the articles can be submitted only in the following formats: DOC, DOCX;
– word processor – Microsoft Word;
– width adjustment;
– page orientation – portrait;
– font – Times New Roman;
– kegl – 14, regular;
– text without hyphenation;
– line spacing – 1,5;
– indention – 1.25 cm (don’t use “Spacebar” or “Tab” key);
– margins: left – 2.5 cm, top, bottom; right – 2 cm;
– it not allowed more than one space between words;
– a dash in the text should be average. Also it is used to denote number ranges (for example, 1941–1945 13:00 – 13:45). To denote a hyphen use a short line;
– ensure alignment of the bulleted lists throughout the article. Use “-” to create a bulleted list;
– the quotes «», brackets [ ], ( ) and other signs should be kept the same throughout the article. If the quoted text is contained inside another quoted text, use «…“...”…»;
– use automatic page numbering in the top right corner (from the first page);
– the article can contain figures, diagrams, photos, etc. They should be black-white, continuous numbering; be inside margins; follow the references they refer to. Give each figure a concise caption, describing accurately what the figure depicts. Use Times New Roman font, 12 point size; line spacing: 1,0. Figures, diagrams, photos, etc. should be saved as TIFF, JPEG, PNG with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi and should be attached to the article as separate files;
– use the table function to create and format tables (“Add Table”). The word “Table” should be located in the top right corner. For example,
Table 1
Heading..................... (line spacing: 1,0)
Every table should follow the references it refers to. Give each table a caption. Number tables consecutively (e.g. Table 1 for the first table in the article) and ensure that all tables are cited in the text in sequential order. Do not write “the following table”. If there is one table in the article, it is not numbered.
The width of the table should not be more than the page margin. It does not include a separate column "Measurement units". A table should not break a sentence, it needs to be placed after the paragraph. If a sentence starts with the word “Table”, write this word completely. When this word is located in the middle or end of the sentence write it abbreviated;
– all contributors to the research are to be mentioned among the co-authors of the paper, if there are two or more authors. The actual contribution of each to the work on the paper as well as preparation of the article for publication should be formulated in Russian and English and presented in the layouts. The order of indicating the authors and co-authors of the article is agreed by them independently.
– the bibliographic list of sources should include from 20 to 40 titles and be drawn up in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5–2008, have automatic numbering of sources located one after another in accordance with the mention in the text. In the list, only scientific sources must be listed (monographs, scientific collections, articles and reviews in scientific/academic publications) and only those works, which are referred to in the article. Bibliographic descriptions of books must indicate the total number of pages; in bibliographic descriptions of the described sections of books, articles - page spacing. The list should include descriptions of the sources that mainly reflect the current state of research on the problem. Only those studies that have an author(s) and are taken into account in scientometrics should be placed in the list of sources: links to archival documents, legal acts, Internet sites, and news resources should be placed in the form of automatic subscript links. The bibliography in the list of references is given in Russian or English.
– when describing the source, its DOI should be indicated, if any;
– the given references should be in square brackets (the number of reference resource at the end of the paper, volume, cited page) [e. g., 5, т. 3, с. 79].
12. At the end of the paper the author(s) should write “The article is published for the first time”, date and signature(s). The signature(s) is certified in the institution where the author(s) works.
13. The author(s) is responsible for the reliability of information, accuracy of citation and references to sources, content, style, the quality of translation to the English language. While writing it is necessary to avoid the use of electronic translators. The Editorial board doesn’t translate abstracts and references.
14. The author(s) and co-author(s) are allowed to publish only one article in one issue.
15. Articles submitted by the authors first undergo an initial examination for compliance with the requirements and profile of the journal, and then they are reviewed by experts.
16. The Editorial Board chooses a reviewer among the members of the Advisory board or some of the leading specialists (Doctor of science, Candidate of science) working in the given science field. The specialist working in the same department where the publication is done may not review an article. The reviews are kept in the Journal office and editorial board for five years and can be presented on request of Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. The reviewing procedure is confidential (a blind peer review). The author of the article is given a copy of the review without reviewer’s surname, affiliation and position.
17. If the editorial board recommends the revision of the paper, the assistant editor sends the reviewer’s recommendations suggesting to consider them or to renounce them with reasoning to the author.
18. Editors reserve the right to reject the papers, which fail to comply with the above rules.
19. The Editorial Board sends copies of the reviews to the authors of submitted articles or a substantiated refusal.
20. Corrected manuscripts are not sent to authors.
21. Manuscripts of the articles accepted for publication undergo full editorial preparation for publication. Questions arising in the process of proofreading and literary editing are sent to the authors.
22. The further revise will be done according to the author’s final manuscript.
23. Authors are recommended to check electronic files they send. If the Editorial board finds any malicious software (viruses) in your electronic materials all of them will be deleted.
24. All Rights Reserved. No materials of the journal may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the Editorial board. When citing reference the journal is mandatory.
25. The fee is not paid to the authors for articles published in the journal.
26. There is no fee for publishing a paper in the journal.
27. The submission by the author(s) of a paper to the editorial office is accompanied by the conclusion of a license agreement with the publisher for the right to use a scientific work in the scientific and practical journal "Pedagogical IMAGE / Pedagogical IMAGE" and Consent to the processing and dissemination of personal data. The completed forms must be sent to the e-mail address of the editorial office, as well as the paper version – by the Russian Post Service (Pochta Rossii).
28. The submissions to the journal “Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH / Pedagogical IMAGE” means that the author accepts the above requirements and permits the publication of a full paper on the website of the Scientific Electronic Library ( and the journal ( etc., as well as, gives the permission for his/her personal data processing and publication in the press.
The electronic version of the «Reviewing procedure» and the «Guide for submission, reviewing and publication» are available on the website of the journal (