“Social and Cultural Contexts of Modern Childhood”: the Role and Place of the Course in Pr ofessional and Personal Training of Future Teachers
Irina Valeryanovna
Candidate of Sciences (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Head of the Social Pedagogy and Psychology Department
Pedagogical Institute,
Irkutsk State University
6 Nizhnyaya Naberezhnaya St, Irkutsk, 6664011
tel.: 8(3952)200739
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Abstract. The article substantiates the necessity of implementing the special activities aimed at preparing for working with different categories of students based on determining the leading role of social and cultural context of childhood development and its influence on forming the world image, the style of behavior, activity of a modern child, into the process of future teachers’ professional and personal training at university. The author describes her experience in this area that includes elaborating and implementing a special course for future teachers into the university educational process.
Keywords: child; children; childhood; social and cultural factors of development; social and cultural contexts; psychological and pedagogic support.
For citation: Fedosova I. V. “Social and Cultural Contexts of Modern Childhood”: the Role and Place of the Course in Pr ofessional and Personal Training of Future Teachers Pedagogical IMAGE, 2018, no 1 (38), рр. 69–82.
UDС: 378.1+378.147
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