The Programme of Literary Education by V. G. Marantsman as Methodological Phenomenon



Terentiyeva Nina Pavlovna


Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Professor of the Literature and Methods of Teaching Literature Department, South Ural State Humanitarian, Pedagogical University

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Abstract. The programme of literary education by V. G. Marantsman is analyzed in the paper as a methodological phenomenon and qualified as a unique one. In the program the idea of the schoolchildren’s literary development is considered as fundamental. The purpose of modern methodology is correlation of such concepts as literary development”, competence”, literacy”. The innovative aspect of the program is its meaning-centrism. The contradiction between the logic of science and humanitarian knowledge is overcome by means of the value and semantic orientation of the components of a literary work analysis as well as the methods and techniques of their interpretation in the literary works’ abstracts. The author shows the possibility of putting the semantic component (key existential, spiritual and moral concepts, motives, problems) focused on the writer's artistic world idividuality, to abstracts. The educational vector is directed to the sphere of creating personalal system of values. The programme of literary education is inscribed into the context of pedagogical axiology. The programme’s achievement is a system of interpretative creative works of different types and genres for each grade. In the programme the dialogue of cultures is presented as a cultural basis for the course of literature. V. G. Marantsman's programme sets methodological guidelines that allow to correct the modern strategies of literary education.


Keywords: educational programme, literary education, tradition, innovation, literary development, knowledge paradigm, cultural paradigm, meaning-centrism, meaning, dialogue interpretation, education, value orientations.


For citation: Terentiyeva N. P. The programme of literary education by V. G. Marantsman as methodological phenomenon. Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2018; 11(3):48-55. DOI: 10.32343/2409-5052-2018-11-3-48-55.


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DOI: 10.32343/2409-5052-2018-11-3-48-55


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