Cultural and Social Traditions of the Higher Education System in Thailand


Balitskaya Irina Valerianovna, Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Senior Lecturer, Professor of the Department of Foreign Language and Country Study, ORCID 0000-0002-9325-9729, Institute of Philology, History and Oriental Studies, Sakhalin State University

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Abstract. The paper reveals the specifics of the Thai model of higher education. The study explores a number of tasks to identify the social and cultural traditions of higher education in the Kingdom of Thailand. The paper describes the main stages of the higher education development, shows the effect the ideas of Buddhism and the monarchy produced on the establishment of the higher education system, as well as a combination of national and Western traditions and the relationship between centralization and decentralization in management. The methods employed in the study include an analysis and generalization of original sources and pedagogical literature. The findings of the study show that the higher education system in Thailand evolved in its own original way. The country has never been a colony and its cultural and educational values have never experienced any pressure from the West. The higher education in Thailand develops maintaining national values and borrowing the western traditions in higher education in a careful manner.

Keywords: reforming higher education, national traditions of education, types of higher educational institutions, borrowing foreign experience.

For citation: Balitskaya I. V. Cultural and Social Traditions of the Higher Education System in Thailand. Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2019; 13(4): 499-510.

UDС: 378.1

DOI: 10.32343/2409-5052-2019-13-4-499-510


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