Formation and Development of Historiography of Russian Methodology for Teaching Literature (1860 – 2010)


Benkovskaya Tatiana Yekimovna, Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Professor of Literature, Journalism and Methods of Teaching Literature Department, ORCID 0000-0001-6438-7513, Orenburg State Pedagogical University

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Abstract. Introduction. The objective of the research outlined in the introduction of the paper is based on the collected and systematized historiographical bibliography to explore the process of establishment and development of historiography of the methodology for teaching Literature as an independent branch of methodology science and to show the role of the latter in the progressive development of scientific knowledge, in maintaining the nexus between the past, present and future of the school literary education.

Materials and methods. The present research is based on the historical and bibliographic methods, which create a holistic and objective picture of the formation and development of historiography of the methodology for teaching Literature from the origins to the present day on the basis of the collected and systematized bibliography. The methods employed also include a historical and comparative analysis, synthesis, and the method of actualization, which makes it possible to focus on the facts, events, phenomena, observations, ideas and conclusions that are of scientific and pedagogical value for the present days. This research presents an analysis of a long way of methodological historiography from the first publications in pedagogical journals of 1860 -1900 to the fundamental historical works by Ya. Rotkovich in 1930-1970, which marked the beginning of historiography as an independent branch of methodology science. Moreover, the study considers the formation of Ya. Rotkovich as a scientist, and the establishment of his research directions that evolved further in the historiographical studies conducted by scientists-methodologists in 1960-2010. An analysis of the latter is presented in this paper.

Results of the study. Given the limited scope of this paper, the presented holistic picture of the long way of formation and development of historiography of methodology of teaching Literature covers the period of 1860 –2010. Consideration is given to the main stages of its development, the most important lines and problems of the research, the names of methodologists and scholars who contributed not only to the study of the history of methodology science and school literary education in different periods of its development. Furthermore, special attention is paid to the understanding of the methodological heritage of the outstanding scientist-methodologist Yakov Aronovich Rotkovich, who was the founder of historiography as an independent branch of methodology science. The analysis proved that the conceptual approach to the study of history of the literary education in Russian schools, which was developed by Ya. Rotkovich, was extremely fruitful for science. This is confirmed by the review of historiographical studies conducted by modern methodologists belonging to various scientific schools and expanding the boundaries and possibilities of domestic historiography as an integral and important branch of methodology science, which continues to develop the ideas of predecessors in the new socio-economic, cultural, and historical contexts of Russian schools in the 21st century.

Conclusion. The analysis of the main stages of the development of methodology for teaching Literature in the period of the 18th – early 21st centuries in the studies ofpredecessors and modern methodologists proved that the methodology of teaching Literature has always been aimed at maintaining the best traditions, restoring the continuity of scientific search, which is rather meaningful and promising for modern science and practice.

Keywords: historiography, heritage, traditions and new approaches, conceptual approach, methodological heritage, fundamental historical and methodological works, school literary education.

For citation: Benkovskaya T. Ye. Formation and Development of Historiography of Russian Methodology for Teaching Literature (1860–2010). Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2019; 13(4): 536-549.

UDС: 372.882+303.446.4

DOI: 10.32343/2409-5052-2019-13-4-536-549


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